@Sarah no, your partner has to make over £1400 and something a month to not attend appointments but I’m still entitled to some UC due to having a child and not working myself, if you’re under that you have to attend appointments regularly but you’ll still get money too, basically the amount your partner takes home depends how on how regularly you have to go to appointments, you will be entitled to UC not working, I have around £200-300 a month from UC with my partner working full time, they don’t expect you to work until your child is 3 x
That's good to know, he does earn more than that and I'm back at work but it's something I might consider after my next one I just assumed we'd never be entitled to anything x
Will they stop your UC then if he makes more money than the threshold Of your not working? Just interested as We wouldn't be entitled to UC if i didn't go back to work and OH isn't really on an amazing wage x