A midwife once told me no matter how good you eat, you still may end up with GD. So you can have the healthiest eating habits and still end up with it. Which always made me feel more comfortable
So although your diet is healthy it’s not GD friendly for the most part. I was able to remain diet controlled in my last pregnancy so can definitely offer a little advice on this (this pregnancy I’m 17 weeks and so far clear but I’m sure it will develop by my 28 week second check) So a GD diet is based around pairing foods to stop the fast rise of blood sugars- pairing carbs with protein and also a lot of health fats. So your breakfast for example is very high carb no pairing. I couldn’t tolerate any cereals only oatmeal if made with whole milk and a generous serving of peanut butter stirred in. Banana is all sugar and carbs so a no no too. Other breakfasts I tolerated well were 1 slice of seeded toast (2 is often too much for one meal) egg and avocado, plain yogurt with nuts and a few berries, or yogurt and a low carb biscuit (Nairn got me through a lot of cravings just make sure to pair!) Fat and protein slows down the absorption of the sugars and stops it from spiking.
Check the records or do the test again but I was very healthy and still had it so it’s more about the placenta then about your own eating habits
Go to snacks for me were: meat snacks (eg chicken satay or pieces) boiled egg, cheese on a cracker, yogurt and nuts, apple and peanut butter. A few meals that worked were pasta with cheesy tuna, baked potato with cheese or tuna, burger without the bun and chips, creamy chicken curry with rice, cheese on toast with additional protein such as scrambled egg, crackers with cream cheese and tomatoes, roast dinner with creamy mash - no roasties or Yorkshire pudding etc and light on gravy. Also beware of wet veg like peas and carrots (likewise for fruits, berries were the only fruits I handled well up until the end) omelettes, quiche, carbonara or alfredo pasta.
Thanks everyone I just want to get the tests as well so I can start managing what works for me and what doesn’t. I just think I’m more surprised than anything as I’m pretty fit and healthy.
As others have said, it's not about how healthily you eat. Nothing you physically do or don't do causes GD It's your placentas ability to produce enough insulin which can often be not enough (particularly nearer the end of pregnancy) if you have GD. The banana and the bran flakes aren't GD friendly (both high in sugar despite what you might think!) but you could have wholewheat toast and an egg with some cheese instead. It's about pairing your foods with protein in order that your body can tolerate it. In terms of dinner and carbs, you will just need to most likely reduce the portion size of rice or potatoes and replace with plenty of veg and or protein. You can get sugar free biscuits which might help if you're craving sugar. Nuts and cheese are a great snack/ pairing food. If you need ideas of what to eat/ info on pairing then have a look at the GD UK website, lots of recipes and information on there.
My GD diet included: 30g of protein which would be 2 eggs, sausage, healthy amount of tofu sauteed with butter or healthy fat, lots of fiber rich veggies, cucumber, tomato, artichokes and a fruit. Then I'd walk 15-20 min after each meal. You need high amounts of protein and fiber to control it very well, good luck! Nutritionist will explain it well to you.
Thank you so much! It’s interestingly you say that as I did look and according to GD food choices branflakes were considered a good source, but can easily swap with for wholemeal bread and peanut butter and a yogurt. Which I also sometimes have, the reason I swapped to bra flakes was because I suffer terribly with constipation and they’ve actually helped me become regular.
@Maggie thank you. Just need to get that appointment in. I’m very active as well all day as I have a rushing around job so on my feet 8 hours a day walking here and there. On days off I do yoga and take a walk so I’m good with that too. Not sure how many more veggies I can eat as my main meal is mostly veg with a small amount of carb and some form of protien, normally a chicken breast and my sandwich at lunch is a large handful of spinach two tomatoes and a protien (sometimes egg or chicken) I don’t eat ham or anything. I’ve started a food diary so hopefully the consultant can see where I might need to change things up a bit.
GD has nothing to do with how "healthy" you are. It's hormones. Also, a lot of this is carbs, so will affect your levels. Cereals spike pretty much everyone. Diabetes nurse ✋️
@Charlie thank you ☺️☺️
My doctor said you could be super young super healthy and still have GD, it’s all about how the placenta forms. All you can do is test your numbers and honestly if your body needs the help of insulin there is no big deal in that! I went straight to insulin because I was already barely eating due to HG and so my Dr said let’s not limit your food because you can’t sustain that, and we have steadily increased insulin since 16 weeks, you got this. Try not to stress too much about it , I still have my bad days like work pot Lucks and now with the holidays it’s hard!
@Desaray thank you so much xx 💕xx it’s upsetting when the first and almost only form of information is about diet and I don’t feel mine is excessively poor. Yours and Charlie’s points are really helpful and reassuring along with the rest … I even bought mince pies today as a treat as I haven’t had any this year and now feel I can’t eat them! I’ve stored them away to probably go off 😂
Girl I don’t restrict what I eat with GD I just manage portion sizes and allow my self to have what I want and make sure to add in what I need, so if I want pasta I eat pasta but I make sure I have a decent amount of protein and veg to help and eat them first and then have my serving of pasta, I had GD with my first and I tried to restrict it all and it was the worst experience.
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@Desaray thank you xx I’m just about to dish up my dinner so I will also do that! Chicken with leeks and broccoli and brown rice but I’m making sure the rice isn’t much! Lol Just got my appointment through for next week as well so fingers crossed xx
@Madeleine thank you. I can try those too which is really useful ☺️
Ooo thank you! I’ll add this to the list of things to try as well 😃 I just got my appointment through and seeing them next week after Christmas so fingers crossed all goes okay x
Its not always to do with diet - im older and 3 years post gastric sleeve (so my eating is very good), but Ive still ended up with it. You sound like you’re eating all the right things so dont worry about changing that. Im on metformin as it was mainly my fasting levels which were high and I cant control those. I would recommend speaking to the GD dietician as they gave me some tips to help but they couldnt give me much help on my diet as I am already very healthy since my op xx
I failed my GD tests and all I've done is eat normal and do my bloods 3 times a day. I'm not one to stray from my normal any way so I've been keeping within range. BUT my thoughts are you need to get them to check all the records to make sure it was even your results given to you.