Line progression

Should I be worried by the progression I feel todays is lighter
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They seem pretty dark

7 should be darker than 5.. I think test again with first morning urine!!

The line doesn’t mean anything unless if you are heavily bleeding x

Definitely not bleeding! I definitely have symptoms boobs are sore etc I hope I am just over thinking. I have my blood work on the 27th so that will be able to tell me what my levels are sitting at

How diluted your urine is and what time of day it is matter, I bet there are other factors that could have an effect

Mine got lighter (last pregnancy) and I was worried. I was told it’s normal. Schedule a visit with your OB for blood work. Congratulations 🥰

I drove myself crazy with this lol stop testing and just wait for the doctor visit. I am still very much pregnant at 10 weeks but sometimes my tests are lighter than the first ones I took! Also uncommonly, my tests are actually darker at night than in the morning 🤷‍♀️


You’re definitely pregnant! If I were you I would save the money and stop buying tests and then get an early reassurance scan at 7 weeks instead. The darkness of the lines changing doesn’t really mean anything except for how strong the concentration of HCG is in your urine which will be less if you’ve had loads of water for example.

Thanks so much ladies I had some light spotting/blessing tonight but I really hope that means implantation

Depends how diluted pee Is are they taken first morning urine xx

I know it's hard but best stop testing. You'll drive yourself crazy and you can't control what happens next. I hope it's all good for you and try not to stress x

I got my blood work but today and I am 100% pregnant. All the levels look great and I will have my first scan in 2 weeks🤍thank you for all of your support

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