Midwife confuses me

I know my MW probably deals with a lot of women but apart from when i went to my GP at 4 weeks pregnant and had a water infection, I haven’t had any since. Every time she has checked my urine she’s said urine is fine but at my last appointment she said there was something and she might send it off to be tested more, I was like okay and then she said “I’ve had to send off a few of yours haven’t I” and I was like “? Not to my knowledge, they’ve all been fine?” And she was like “no I’ve definitely sent a few off”. Which confused me and then at the end of the appointment she asked if I had any questions and I said “yeah what’s wrong with my urine, is there protein or something in it?” And she said “no your urine is absolutely fine?”. Have I lost my mind? I don’t think she even knows what day it is
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Sounds like my midwife. She hasn't sent /or not sent my urine but she doesn't know what day it is. Turned up to a house visit that was meant to be on a Wednesday, on a FRIDAY. I waited all day for her! 🫣

Sounds like my community midwife, mine is absolutely useless. Sometimes I think it’s pointless (for myself) to even go to her appointments 🫠😂

My midwife re-introduces herself every time like we are meeting for the first time! I get they see a lot of women but they have the notes in the room before you go in to the appointment surely familiarising themselves with who you are and where you are at with everything.. baffling!

@Becca mine once said- why did you come today? 🤣I said- I don't know? It said 30 week app on the notes. And she was like oh right!!! Is that to check your BP? ( I have high BP) Shouldn't she know better 😬😩🤣 some of these ladies bless them, need to retire!!!

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