I’d really recommend looking at home birth uk group on fb! Scans are up to 20% inaccurate never mind at this stage in pregnancy, Also a GD test this late in pregnancy isn’t going to be accurate either as your body starts to store glucose for labour etc. My baby has measured over the 97th percentile since 20 week scan and I’m still on track for a home birth, I’ve had glucose in my urine last two appointments and consultant has said no point in testing for GD this late in pregnancy aswell x
@Kira as I said, these things need to be taken with a pinch of salt so late in pregnancy. It is simply their policy to follow up with testing - you can decline. The home birth support UK group on fb is also amazing
My baby had a growth spurt to 97th percentile. I’m 37 weeks. They took a GD blood test and waiting results. Not so worried as c-section booked in and not long to go. With GD it’s just the weight that continues, and more dangerous if vaginal birth.
Don’t worry you and baby will be absolutely fine. I have GD and only found out a week or so ago a I went for my chat with them today and they told me to monitor my blood sugars with a machine they give you just to make sure they don’t need to intervene by giving me insulin. There is no point at this late stage; they even told me today that there isn’t much point but to try my best to east less carbs and more fruit x
Hey love, try to take a deep breath and calm down if you can. Was it a scan that suggested your baby is big? At this stage, scans can be notoriously inaccurate, so try not to let it overwhelm you. I went through something similar recently at 37 weeks—I was just cleared of GD at nearly 38 weeks—and I completely understand how stressful this can be, as I am also having a homebirth, especially so late in the pregnancy. Remember, you can always decline interventions if you feel they’re causing more harm than good! Use the BRAIN approach to determine next steps, hopefully at this stage you’re better off “doing nothing” and letting baby come when they’re ready. Take things one step at a time—you’ve got this!!!