HCG Levels

Can everyone post their due dates and what their HCG levels were at last blood test? And how many weeks were you AT lab draw? Mine was 158 at 4 weeks 6 days, I had an appointment to go today but we are snowed in and the office is closed
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Last blood test was 01/03 @5 weeks 4 days 7394

I I haven't seen a doctor yet, and they haven't called about the results. Due date: 9/6 4 weeks & 6 days ‐ HCG: 430 mIU/ml Progesterone: 48 ng/ml This is my second pregnancy. They don't remember doing these tests before the first visit for my first pregnancy (diff doctor). They just went off my home pregnancy test, and then I had the ultrasound at some point a couple of weeks later. 🤷🏾‍♀️

@Whitley i want to get bloodwork done because i got to do that with my now 14month old son since i’ve had a previous miscarriage! now they’re telling me that since i had a healthy pregnancy with my son, i don’t need blood work done 😭😭😭

@Jessica I requested it and they do it. my blood test was 158 and they said that’s on the lower side for early pregnancy/ or pregnancy that’s not progressing. I had a loss before my last pregnancy but they won’t tell me I can’t check every 48 hours. I am paying for it after all

I'm due September 1st and my doctor can't see me until January 21st

Due Sept 8th HCG 3,278 on 1/3

Due date 9/3 4 Weeks & 5 Days - HCG : 24,768

12 dpo (3 weeks 5 days) hcg was 31, and 14 dpo (4 weeks) hcg was 103. I'm due Sept 13.

I’m due Sept 13th. At 4weeks 1 day I was 182 and 5weeks1 day it was 4618.

Update: at 5 weeks and 7 days it was 4496 mIU/ml Up from 430 mIU/ml at 4 weeks and 6 days Due date: Sept 6th

@Jessica, aww, I'm so glad you had a healthy pregnancy. God willing, this one will follow suit!

4 weeks 5 days beta jumped to 1,063

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