@Meghan It actually depends on the person so don't spread lies. With my first It was normal and then after I had my second 9 1/2 months ago it's been crazy
It depends if you are breastfeeding when I was breastfeeding I didn't get my period for the whole year, get cheap pregnancy test and find out
Your periods can be irregular for a year after birth but everybody is different. I got mine 6 weeks after giving birth and some people I know have gone a few months to a year without a period so it varies from person to person. I think doctors/midwives say up to a year everything is different. Might be worth taking a test to check x
Some women are irregular! I got my period 5 months postpartum. Sometimes I’d have a 60+ day cycle, sometimes a regular cycle, and I’ll spot but I guess that’s my period? Sometimes it’s really heavy.. Sometimes everything in my body feels like I’m on my period but no period! I’d purchase some pregnancy tests for peace of mind, I feel like the stress of not knowing actually delays your period even more
@Abby I was also super regular 5months pp when I first got my period
I had my first period about 7 weeks pp
Yeah I didn’t get my first period after having my baby till 14 weeks after
Your periods aren’t regular for about a year postpartum