@Jodie thank you so much . You put my mind to ease . I’m just worried as I didn’t have this issue with my first child . But thank you again
It's normal to be worried, not every pregnancy is the same but gestational diabetes can be kept stable with the right diet and medication. If you have any questions, just drop me a message!
I had gestational diabetes too but mine was discovered at 37 weeks and I had to be induced at 39 weeks as the baby was growing much slower than expected and doctors believed the GD affected my placenta stopping nutrients to go to baby. Baby was tested 1 day after birth and her blood sugar was fine. My blood sugar is back to normal now. Discuss with diabetes nurse about a diet plan and if you can keep active as this is so important for you and baby. Good luck!
Do not stress they give you lots of help and guidance and its usually totally manageable with diet (and metformin in my case). You will get extra scans and appts which is the plus side as they keep a closer eye on you. Really dont stress its not as bad as it first seems when you’re diagnosed - once you understand it, its fine xx
I recently had gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy and decided to make a log book/diary with my partner to make it easier for others. It has spaces to log what foods do and don’t spike you etc so you can keep track along with spaces to keep a log of sugar levels. If it helps just one person navigate what can be a really tricky time then it’s worth it. Here the link: UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DVR1F9JS?ref=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_NR3YCMKQWSSB2YE4PZ37&ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_NR3YCMKQWSSB2YE4PZ37&social_share=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_NR3YCMKQWSSB2YE4PZ37&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true Rest of the world: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DVR1F9JS?ref=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_DCEYJB8E0156X895D683&ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_DCEYJB8E0156X895D683&social_share=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_DCEYJB8E0156X895D683&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true Have a nice day ☺️
I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my son, I just had to change my diet and was put on medication to help, it's the mother that has gestational diabetes not the baby. GD isnt anything to worry about its very common and easy to keep under control with right diet and medication, I was induced at 39 weeks due to my GD as my sons stomach measured big, but everything was perfectly fine with my son and as soon as i gave birth the gestational diabetes disappeared for me and then a few months later I had to go for a blood test to make sure the diabetes had gone completely which it had