Want to start going to the gym

I want to start going to the gym. I tried it once before I had kids but stopped cos there's no one to show me how it's done or the right exercises for my body type. Now, I want to go back but still don't know where start without a personal trainer who are expensive. So yeah
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Maybe try using chatgpt. It sounds silly but it's free and can come up with a custom plan for you based on your goals, maybe find a gym you like the look of, have an introductory tour most of them offer this, then for your first session just use the treadmill to get a feel for the machines and types of people, attending the classes if they have them is always good too!

The classes could be really good I used to go to a gym that did PT classes so there were 6 of you getting help from a PT and I really enjoyed it. Lots of the classes I've gone to usually try to fix your form a little bit

If you have the time and space you could do a home workout? There are lots of great things on YouTube and you can use things around your house for weights. Also joining a gym and going to classes is a fun way of starting and making friends 😊 Or, you could find a gym buddy to go with you? 😄

Most gyms will offer a free PT session and they can show you some exercises and how to do them correctly. Also agree with classes!

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