@Bryony When they put the Epidural in your spine, Did you feel anything? Was it painful?
I think going in with an open mind to your options and listening to your body during labour is a good way to do it. I managed without anything for the first 6 hours but then gas and air made me sick. Ended up eventually with an epidural which I’d not planned for! I hate needles 😂 I absolutely don’t regret it, made the whole thing far more positive and manageable for me personally. For me the worst part of getting the epidural was them finding where they were going to administer as my back is really ticklish, I warned them of this, then like with most injections you get told ‘sharp scratch’ and it’s pretty much done, the hunching over while they find where to go is more uncomfortable than the epidural itself in my experience x
@Kristina 2nd time around I had a small electric shock type feeling once it was in but it lasted about half a second. I didn’t find the experience uncomfortable at all really x
I had gas and air - Not sure what it actually did for me. But I got into a routine of puffing on it as soon as a contraction started and got myself into the mindset that "he's nearly here, it's nearly over"
I am team epidural was the best thing I ever did 🫣 I know it’s not for everyone but honestly I couldn’t cope then as soon as I had it pain completely went I ended up napping majority of my labour.
I really wanted to avoid an epidural but have had one with both my labours now, I honestly think it’s what helped me enjoy them so much, I was able to nap and I felt nothing until it was time to push x