I have a gym that has a daycare program and it has been a game changer- on days we don’t go there I usually do a 20 min workout on YouTube- grow with Jo is a good place to start!
If you can spare $20/month, there’s a great program/app that I use of a trainer. She’s a mommy herself and healed her stomach postpartum. She has this program that’s for busy moms and it’s about 5-7 exercises 4 days a week for 30 minutes a day and it has been so easy for me to keep up. There are other programs too after you finish the busy mom one or if you want to challenge yourself more you can skip the busy mom. It’s all about preference, but to me the $20/month is worth it.
I started physical therapy. I think it gently way to get back to gym. Plus its always beneficial
I've been having trouble finding a good time to do a long workout, plus I really need to work up to something intense. So I've been doing about 10 minutes of stretching and yoga in the morning and sets of squats or pushups whenever I have a free moment. Holding the baby on my hip while walking around the house is also a decent arm workout. I also take longer walks, usually wearing the baby which adds a pretty good challenge to it! Doing this has helped me get a little more in shape.