my boy eats 3 meals and 2 snacks with 2 6 ounce bottles and 3-4 4 ounce bottles and he drinks water throughout the day,, he’s also 25 pounds and very active with crawling and walking😂🥹
About two or 3 solid meals and then maybe 3-4 8 oz bottles throughout
3 solid meals of about 4-6 ounce portions. Milk 5-6 times a day (about 80% breastfed 20% formula).. eating is a lot of our day 😂
Bottle when wakes up, breakfast an hour later, snacks before nap if seems hungry, small bottle before nap, wakes up eats lunch, bottle 90 mins later, dinner 90-120 mins later, and bottle before bed
3 full meals, 3-4 snacks, 2-3 breastmilk bottles.
Ours nurses to sleep 2 naps a day and at bed time and then just here and there when it seems like he might need some throughout the day. He eats meals with us normally as well
2 full meals, 2 snacks. 3-4 breastmilk bottles (5-7oz).
She has 3 solid meals and 4 bottles give or take sometimes she wants more solids then bottles and vice versa