How old is your LO? I come from a construction family and we all swear in front of each other and our baby (7months). I’m not going to shelter him from the words but I’m also not going to swear at him. When he’s older he can have a swear jar and make some money off me 😂 Personally there are bigger fights to fight as long as he’s not swearing at you or baby.
We both swear in front of LO, they will hear it everywhere unfortunately. So long as they understand some words we dont say around others we wont mind the odd curse
Honestly at this point it’s a joke between my fiancé and I on what our LO’s first words are going to be because we both curse a lot while we’re on the road. We’re just going to tell LO those are grown up words when he starts talking.
My partner swears when he is frustrated but I call his attention to it immediately and he apologies and says he forgot cos we don’t want our kid saying bad words even tho they know them they are not allowed to. He takes corrections instead of get angry. Maybe have a convo with him c
Absolutely no swearing in our house. We've never had it and won't be.
My family has always been like this to, swearing a lot (come from a lot of tradie and racing backgrounds) and it was always drilled into us kids we don't mind if you swear when you get to preteens but under no circumstances are you to swear AT your elders (only changed when we became old enough to have that banter type relationship with our parents/grandparents, but even then it is a rarity)
@Emily LO’s 8 months and he has occasionally sworn at LO and I’ve told partner not too and he comes up with the fact that he’s tired and frustrated; I know he can be but there are other ways other than swearing 🙄
It’s a tough one I know everyone parents differently. I think LOs will always pick up naughty words no matter how hard you try and stop it I think it’s teaching them that these naughty words are for adults. If they do repeat them. My dad swore a lot when I was growing up and even now as an adult I rarely swear and people are always shocked if I do swear. Obviously you can minimise it and he should probably respect that but some people do it not even thinking sometimes.