Sounds fair to me, especially if he's between jobs. Ask him to feed do anything with the baby while you do the chores. That should be an eye opener that you're not just sitting there doing nothing. Babies are hard.
@Patricia your baby is 6w and you're supposed to have a hobby.... how? I haven't worked out since my baby was born. I haven't been away from him for more than 3 hours. He's 4m old and I'm not even back at work yet. My husband went back 3 weeks ago and barely worked out too. Give yourself a break!!!!! If you're even just getting through the day at 6w you're doing great.
I combat burnout by taking out time for myself, I usually head out on a Friday night go have drinks/dinner w some friends or some dancing, maybe a pedi/mani and grab lunch after and window shop. A massage. Facial. Some time away from the baby when I have the baby 24/7, on the weekends, does me wonders, just to be myself and catch up w friends. I take him out nearly every day on the weekday so having a couple hrs to myself is what I look forward to every week. And he lets me sleep in while he attends to baby on weekend mornings. Any workouts I added in around 3-4m pp.
I can't advise RE burnout - my LO is 7 months now and I'm still trying to figure out how to combat it. However, if I was you, I'd definitely talk to your husband about how you feel, what it takes to look after the baby, etc. and give him space to express his frustrations. Chances are he also feels overwhelmed and probably stressed that he's in-between jobs atm. Open communication is important, otherwise everything will build up and you'll only end up resenting each other.
I think it's just one of them things we have to deal with. My babies nearly 6 weeks old. Im back at work and so is my partner . He goes to the gym every day whilst I don't have a hobby. But he appears less stressed and keeps telling me to get a hobby as ut may help?