Is arm flapping normal? I feel like my 9 month old has just started doing it randomly. On its own, I don’t think I’d be worried be she does a lot of other things that I’ve seen could be linked to early autism (?) so now im confused as to what is just developmental and what I need to be looking out for 🤯😔
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my little boy always flaps his arms and we love it sm🥰 he’s done it as long as we can remember! what kind of signs do you think could be linked to autism? x

@Jodie when he’s excited? It’s cute isn’t it 💖 She shakes her head, hand / feet twirling, very vocal but not necessarily babbling, tilting head/face planting floor, sofa etc. these may all be normal development however… She can’t yet crawl so we think she has a lot of frustration from not being able to move which could be causing it, who knows… x

my boy shakes his head, twirls hands and tilts his head! some more than others. i really wouldn’t worry. the only things to “look out for” are repeated behaviours that continue as they get older. they’re still so young that a lot of it is just part of developing🫶🏼

he’s also not crawling either and shares the frustration😂 my boy is desperate to practise standing so we think he’ll skip it in all honesty!

My girl is always flapping in excitement! Also sometimes in crossness 😂

@Victoria same here🤣 my boy does it for a mix of emotions in different ways🥰

I think there is so much all over social media these days and so much more awareness (which is obviously a good thing) that everything we see our child doing that could be taken as a sign of autism we automatically think It’s that. I’m very guilty of it myself, my baby twirls his hands and has done from a very young age he doesn’t sit still, he also flaps his arms but I’ve found It’s more of a way of him communicating to me rather than anything to do with autism. I wouldn’t worry too much I would just enjoy everything new that he’s learning, I know It’s hard not to worry though 🥰

It's part of stimming (self soothing). No need to be concerned about it unless they're still doing it past the age of 3ish. Totally normal 😊

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