I feel the same way with my little girl thats about to be 3 years old she is so picky and has days where she will barley eat and other days where all she does is eat but mainly only wants snacks. Shes only 25lbs and her sister who is a year younger than her is the same weight as her and eats just about anything. All i can do is let her listen to her body on when she is hungry and when she isn't if she doesnt want somwthing we give her for meals we ask her what shed like to eat and she'll eat that or we try to make the meals interactive by asking her about the food and how it tastes or what sounds it makes.
Stick to protein as much as possible and try to avoid sugars 🫠
My 3yo weighs 26 lbs, which I think is about the same. Though he has had issues with weight gain since he was around 2 months old. Most toddlers become picky eaters. They are looking to control something in their life and what they eat is one of their few options. Keep offering a mix of "safe" foods and "reach" foods, but don't force. My oldest is almost 6 and finally starting to eat the reach foods consistently.
My 6 year ate everything when she was a baby and since she was 3 or 4 ish, she’s been EXTREMELY picky…she won’t eat like anything….and gags every time she gets something new, but it’s not our faults. The best we can do is keep encouraging them to try new foods and foods they may not like, because taste buds do change. I feel the frustration and feeling like a failure, but we aren’t failing mama💕 just make sure he takes his little vitamins and keep trying. My brothers friend and my cousin literally lived off of bread because of how picky they were and they are extremely intelligent and successful adults now..💕