Mine is about to be 13 months old she’ll stand on her own pull to standing, cruise around on furniture and her play pen and then she has a walker toy that she’ll walk around with but not on her own yet
Mine isn’t walking either. She does love standing but can’t really pull to standing quite yet.
Mine isn’t walking yet either she just turned 13 months. The pediatrician said it was okay.
She isn't walking either
Mine was in the NICU for two months. He sometimes kneels, but he cannot walk yet.
My lo isn’t walking either but I think it may take her longer bc she’s gonna have to have surgery soon so she may not start til she’s almost two😢☹️
mine isn’t! he’ll use his push toys or walk with my assistance, cruises the furniture and pulls to stand but he doesn’t wanna stand on his own yet. i figure he’s meeting the other milestones he probably just doesn’t feel like walking yet lol. he crawls like crazy tho
Our pediatrician said anywhere from 10-15 months is typical for walking so don’t stress it! Keep encouraging different ways to walk and stand but they will get there! I look at it as a way we don’t have to worry so much about her falling but still work with her to practice walking :)
Mine isn’t but I got her in physical therapy a while back so she’s on her way there.