Absolutely let them climb whenever possible, just intervene if it's getting dangerous. 8 months is young (good for them!) so probably keep a close eye! Some ideas: - Teach them how to get down, my partner saw a video where the woman holds the child and hovers them over the edge of the sofa and kinda points them down so they feel the sensation of falling almost, but then puts them back on the sofa and turns them around and shows assists them in shuffling backwards off the sofa - honestly this has been the most amazing thing we ever did with our LO, she genuinely can get off anything now but going backwards! - Use pillows/blankets as soft cushioning around them. - Set up some climbing spots for them and encourage them to use that rather than just a free for all. - Soft plays are great for climbing. - Take them to the park. - You can buy like sticky padding that goes round sharp edges - I got some on Temu for like a pound and use it round our fireplace - not the nicest looking but at least I know LO is safe!
Let them climb. There are climbing frames you can buy. We had one from Aldi that my little girl loved.
My 9 month old is the same, I encourage it 😊 We got a play mat from smyths that is foam so when she’s climbing over her toys (she has a horse walker that she climbs on a lot), I know if she falls she won’t seriously hurt herself. When she climbs the stairs, I just follow her one step behind to catch her and I’m trying to show and teach her how to safely come back down, with little success so far. She’s learnt to come off the sofa safely now by turning herself around. We asked her grandparents for soft play shapes for Christmas and she spends a lot of time climbing on these, if she’s climbing something unsafe (tv stand, bookcase etc) I pick her up and take her to her soft play shapes to climb on instead. They all came from smyths play factory range, highly recommend 😊 But jeez it’s exhausting to constantly have to watch her as if I leave the room or turn around for even a second she’s probably in some precarious situation!
Mine climbs everything I just let him tbh unless there is imminent danger x