My lg was in a similar position, we just played games and sang songs like happy and you know it, pat a cake etc. eventually she copied. My lg is 14 months and is focusing more her talking than motor skills, she can't walk. They can only focus on one skill at a time so I wouldn't worry, he'll get it in time
I feel the same! I seeee lots of 13/14 months old talking but my LG isnt doing any clear words yet however, like you she does have an understanding of things being said to her AND points at everything so is interested. I’ve been telling myself she’s just the opposite as whilst she can’t talk, she can crawl, walk and climb whereas some babies that are talking aren’t moving around as good as her xx
Hey, try not to worry. I know it’s so hard. My little boy was always on the quiet side, but he’s now learnt to walk and we’ve really noticed how much more vocal he’s become since then. I really think it’s true what they say about practising skills one at a time. I’m sure he is just working on something else right now 😘
Hi my lb Is exactly the same , he doesn’t say words just babbles , he waves but won’t clap , he is pointing .. I had speech and language here last week due to little one always having chest infections and needing to check his swallow is safe , anyway I asked about his speech as I’m worried and she assured me he is very age appropriate , he’s pointing , giving eye contact , responds to his name he babbles ,shouts for attention she said all these are all the early building blocks for those words to come , she told me to keep modelling words , sing read books and the speech will come, isn’t mother hood a worry xx
@Marissa my boy is the exact same🤣 the more I say words he will roll his eyes and goes wondering to his toys xx
My boys nearly 14 months and only says Mama clearly, he tries to say yeah. He claps and waves but doesn’t point or wave at the right times 🤣🤣
My little girl doesn’t say any words just babbles and says mama, dada but without meaning. She doesn’t point either but she does clap and wave occasionally x
Thank you everyone! It can be so hard not to worry but I’m sure we are all in the same boat. My wee boy is non stop walking so hoping he’s just focusing on that and talking will come after x
My 14 month old has been walking since 10 month meeting all her milestones but her communication skills are non-existent I’ve had mama maybe once or twice but other than that she literally says nothing, I was getting really worried as I was comparing her to my eldest daughter and what she was doing at her age etc, but the health visitor has said to give it till she’s 18month and we’ll see where she’s at in terms of communication, so hopefully it’ll come in time, can’t wait to hear her little voice properly and have a little chat x
My lg hasnt really said words yet. Just babbles and sometimes a word comes out but its not intended. She is strong physically like walking, running etc but the more i try her to say words, the more she likes to refuse it 😂