I started with breakfast first as above slowly introduced lunch then dinner. Bottles she's dropped naturally so I was just mostly led by baby
We started with breakfast, porridge, yogurt, fruits eggs toast 😊 they only eat a bite or two to start with so they could try mouthfuls of your dinner too to get used to tastes and textures
We are not morning people so we started with lunch as we are more relaxed and not rushing. Then added breakfast, then snacks in the evening then turned snacks into dinner now at nearly 9 months we have 3 main meals and snacks in between especially if we adults are snacking. We feed food straight after her milk and wash down with water. Honestly just do what fits with your family and will make you relaxed because it gets real messy.
I start with lunch. Its early enough that there is time to know if there was an allergic reaction before bed and we aren't tired or rushed, but its also late enough that a potential bath isn't stressful.
This worked for me I know other options work for other people, so just giving my advice based on what worked for me. With both my kids (currently 2 and 6 months) I’ve started with breakfast. I still offer all bottles but introduced breakfast first then as the months went on i introduce lunch and then dinner. I found my boy dropped those bottles as he started to eat more. It’s a gradual thing and nothing happens over night. Some days are good and some days they aren’t interested at all.