Also don’t care about the cereal haha I know many will comment that it isn’t necessary and I know this
Yea I’d start slowly :) if there’s no interest, I would just start sitting him at the high chair & putting food for him to play with
My pediatrician said once they can sit by themselves you can introduce food. But whatever you are comfortable with!
I really love the instagram account Solid Starts. They have tons of info on starting solids through baby led weaning. If you wanna skip the purees then they are a great resource. If you wanna start with purees then make sure they can sit up on their own before you start.
@Afton he’s very close to sitting up on his own. I mean he does but still leans forward quite a bit…I’ll wait a little because I am sure it will happen soon thanks everyone
My pediatrician cleared us and our baby is 4.5 months old. Maybe get there guidance.
Dr also did not recommend “cereal” or even ask about food at his last appointment but it was mostly a vax appointment. Again I’m in no rush it was just a random thought of mine