Starting food

My baby is 5 months 1 week. His next appointment is march 3d and he is 6 months 2/12. I was thinking to wait for any solids until dr says but he will be almost 7 mos by then?? Whatcha think. He’s 90+ percentile in everything, rolling, holds head well, no interest in food and I’m not rushing for currently.
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Dr also did not recommend “cereal” or even ask about food at his last appointment but it was mostly a vax appointment. Again I’m in no rush it was just a random thought of mine

Also don’t care about the cereal haha I know many will comment that it isn’t necessary and I know this

Yea I’d start slowly :) if there’s no interest, I would just start sitting him at the high chair & putting food for him to play with

My pediatrician said once they can sit by themselves you can introduce food. But whatever you are comfortable with!

I really love the instagram account Solid Starts. They have tons of info on starting solids through baby led weaning. If you wanna skip the purees then they are a great resource. If you wanna start with purees then make sure they can sit up on their own before you start.

@Afton he’s very close to sitting up on his own. I mean he does but still leans forward quite a bit…I’ll wait a little because I am sure it will happen soon thanks everyone

My pediatrician cleared us and our baby is 4.5 months old. Maybe get there guidance.

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