We went to the GP and they first gave gavsicon to try because they said could be reflux. Nothing changed. We then tried comfort milk as its more broken down but didn't help and the paranoia got to me that I was giving him it and he was allergic. I hated bottle time. Called the GP in tears and they let me try the allergen milk but we've only just started so not sure yet. I also thought maybe it's just regular baby behavior so I don't know if I've jumped the gun. But he would grunt, arch his back, screw his whole body and face up like he was uncomfortable, make a hyperventily hiccup noise, actual hiccups, some spit up but normal levels I think, milk comes up nose when trying to poop, poo every 3 or 4 days with lots straining and screaming, very smelly and green.
@Sim they sadly don’t test for CMPA at this age - it’s done on symptoms alone!
CMPA symptoms include green, mucus poos (jelly in their poo), rashes/eczema and reflux symptoms. If you notice a rash or strange poo, take photos as evidence for the GP/paediatrician, as you can guarantee all symptoms will disappear on the day of your appointment 😆 x
My firstborn had this. We got the GP involved, who referred us further and it was diagnosed through them. My son would spit up a lot of milk and would cry uncontrollably during feeds, strain and just be in a lot of pain, and would gain weight much slower than expected (he may have had other symptoms, but can't remember as it was more than 4 years ago). For weeks we thought it was 'just' colic, but finally at 4 months old CMPA was confirmed. Not sure if they will diagnose such a young baby though.
My baby is 3 weeks old and had blood in his poo, very unsettled, upset stomach, nothing worked. He was on cow and gate. He has a milk allergy and Now he has to have neocate LCP powder and is getting referred to the dietitian. They say some grow out of it but others don’t, he will have to have special stuff also when he is being weaned xx
I think you can speak to your GP and they can do some tests to see if they have an allergy. My baby has the same issue and I have switched to goat based formula as it is closer to human milk and easier for them to break down. Her discomfort has reduced