Health visitor suggesting little and often feeds.

Just wanting to see if anyone else has experienced this. I've been chatting with my health visitor and raising concerns that my LO may have reflux, we've been to the GP and said he has slight reflux and colic but due to him gaining weight well they don't suggest starting him on anything. Yesterday my health visitor suggests reducing feeds to little and often so 3oz every 2 hours. Previously he was being offered 100mls during day and 4oz overnight but still taking the bottle every 2/half hours. Most times he was not finishing bottle during the day. In my head my HV and and GP think I'm overfeeding him and that's why they've suggested reducing feeds as they think his reflux symptoms are similar to that of overfeeding. We had a horrible night last night he was crying for 4 hours, I'm just so worried he thinks I'm starving him. Is anyone on the same boat or experienced this?
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My first baby had reflux and I went through multiple different people at different appointments for months trying to get something to help him. It didn't matter if he was having little and often or going longer periods with a bigger bottle. I think my 5 week old is going the same way as she feeds little and often anyway but still seems to bring up most of her bottle and struggling with wind. If you can see a different health visitor, you may get a different opinion which happened with me and we got prescribed gaviscon which helped loads and he started taking a bottle better and going longer periods between. I've always been told you can't overfeed a baby as they'll only eat what they want. Here if you want a chat ☺️ x

@Rebecca this is a different health visitor as mine is off for 2 weeks and she is more helpful. She said to try this first and if he's still having symptoms then try the gaviscon. The thing is he burps really well and his spit up is very little, he just seems incredibly uncomfortable on his back, fine when lying on me as soon as he's on his back he's straining and grunting. Thank you for saying about the overfeeding too think in my head it makes me feel like I'm a bad mum 😂

Oh bless your little one. I am having similar situation & going to go down the gaviscon road! It’s like heartburn for them & if we had heartburn we wouldn’t want to be in pain and would treat it. That’s just me. X

@Incognito I agree I initially said to her I'll try the gaviscon and she came back and said the GP wants to try this first see if it makes a difference, his spit up is less but still extremely uncomfortable on his back x

I could have written this about my first daughter two years ago, the exact same thing! I found changing bottles helped and we had to push a good few times for her to be prescribed with infant gaviscon. My health visitor also suggested little and often which just doesn't always work/possible. If formula feeding in hind-site I also think the formula we used made it slightly worse as kendamil (what we were using) is more creamy/clumpy and so wish I had tried another as think this really added to her discomfort x

@Becky I've been humming about changing the milk or not as something just tells me it's the milk I'm using kendamil too and think it's too rich for him? Do you have an recommendations?

@Rebecca I’ve noticed Gaviscon says you can only give 6 sachets a day, but baby feeds more than that a day. Did you just go without Gaviscon and suffer with the reflux for the other feeds?

@Alison our health visitor suggested carobel milk thickener, its been amazing for my little ones reflux and it seems to fill him up longer too without adding additional formula, he takes 90ml-150ml every 3-4hrs, we also use infacol with each feed too. Aptamil comfort could help too maybe, we didn't use this as our little one is on lactose free Aptamil. Hope you find what works for you soon 🤗

@Alison That's interesting, yeah I feel like the whole milk makes it richer? With my second I'm using Hipp Organic and I'm really pleased I am, I find it mixes so much better with the water and less 'bitty and clumpy' than kendamil, no matter how I used to make it and how much I swirled it etc! That's just what I found personally but I hope you find something that helps x

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