Sorry no advice but just to let you know you’re not alone. My LO has been in a biting stage for a while now and I thought we had turned a corner with his tantrums etc as he was good for a few weeks but now they’re even worse than ever. I think it’s just the longest storm ever that we need to ride 😣. Sending lots of support your way!
I'd have a think what he is really trying to communicate to you. Perhaps he is feeling anger or frustration? Perhaps label it and give him a way to get it out... for my boy I am redirecting to a bean bag that he can bite and a ball he can kick. We tried deep breathing and it doesn't work. Cuddles work too when they are offered at the right moment. It's really hard to manage it, though.. he has bitten his baby brother a couple of times and it's extremely difficult not to see RED!
@Georgia ok a week is lucky! It’s been a. Good month now 😅 xx
@Chloé Collier oh nooo thank you! You too we got this (I think) haha x
@Clarissa omg this is the same! He has a 13 month old baby brother and he seems quite jealous but even when little one is not near me he still is constantly doing ‘nasty’ sort of things. Pushing him over, Smacking him etc… I do naughty corner but it isn’t helping x
I was going to post this exact same question 🤣 my 2.5 year old is currently doing anything in her power to trigger a response, throwing, hitting, tantrums over the smallest of things. I honestly have no idea how to deal with it because gentle parenting just bounces off her, shouting seems to make the behaviour worse too. Xx
Hopefully it’s just a phase hun my boy went through it not biting but hitting and pinching lasted around a week It’s always something new my boys new thing is telling me to go away and just constant tantrums!xx