Feeling down

Hi does anyone have any tips on trying to make themselves feel better? My son is almost 14 months and I still feel like I don’t have any personality other than being a tired mum, I don’t feel like I have many friends anymore as I’m only 21 and none of my friends have children and even my close friends are busy working, at uni or aren’t really baby people. I go to uni three times a week so baby goes to nursery then and I feel a sense of relief as I know I have time off. I love my baby so much but he’s really clingy to me and will cry if I stand up or leave to go to the kitchen etc. my partner isn’t able to be as hands on as I’d like and he also works full time so I feel really lonely during the days. Will my spark come back anytime soon? I’m so thankful for my son, I love him to bits and wouldn’t change a thing but I’m tired of feeling bad about myself and my life.
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Do you go to any mums and tots or toddler sense classes etc? I always find them the best thing as you have chats with other mums who are going through the same thing and you realise omg its not just me feeling xyz. Could you get a part time job even 1-2 short shifts a week as well to get you out? Or getting to the gym/hobby? ❤️

I tried going to the gym but was so tired I didn’t want to go😂I do go to mum classes and it’s nice to see and speak to mums but I’ve never made proper friends through them as I find the ones I can go to are a bit clique.

It takes up to 2 years to feel somewhat like yourself post baby because of the constant change in hormones and a combination of the type of support you receive and adjusting to a new life with a baby that is dependent on you. Around 4-5 years is when it gets easier as they need you less and are at school for most of the day. Being tired all the time and sleep deprivation is known to cause some depressing thoughts or feelings or a low mood. Vitamin d supplementation and magnesium will help counteract low moods and sleep issues. Book an appointment with your GP and ask for full blood work so you know what supplements you need if any and discuss your mental health too. Or you can self refer to talking therapies online and speak to professionals for either a general chit chat or discuss in depth about what you're going through. Please don't leave it to one day I'll feel better and not get help, it'll just make you feel more isolated.

The sparks will come back - it just takes a bit. Don't worry 🥰

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