I’m married and I reach out to my MIL more than my husband. I send photos. I remind him to call her. She’s a good woman. She’s amazing with my kids and has been respectful to me always.
@Brianna that’s awesome
It’s not rude at all. You communicated in a very respectful way
So sorry accidentally hit yes as in yes send it 🙈. I don't think it's rude at all. You are establishing your boundaries for what is best for you. If she's able to come and see the baby and work on the relationship then that's great!
Fuck I ment no idk what I put! But no it’s not rude your life has changed forever if she wants to be apart of it she need to put in the effort it is not on you momma! Enjoy the baby stage toddler and kid stage cause it all goes to fast ♥️
It wasn’t rude at all, but I do want you to think about why she might not have made much effort during your pregnancy. Especially because it seems like you and him are very fresh? Or you all haven’t been acquainted for very long.
@Monét yeah I understand but at the same time it was overwhelming the switch to constant FaceTimes but not helping in any type of way. Idk I think maybe I find her personality overwhelming and they’re just talkers w no action.
Honestly in my experience, paternal grandmas are very removed and a big part of it is their lack of relationship with you. Hopefully she receives the message well!
@Monét yeah she hasn’t responded. I already got stressed out from interacting w her again .
Doing ft makes it hard trying to tend to a child(ren) while holing a phone or just trying to hold a conversation on the phone is hard. Your a new mom and this is a whole new level of multitasking that take time to learn. You could always tell her your open to getting to know her while learning motherhood and would love tips but it would be much easier if she could come over and teach/help hands on Maybe that will open a door of opportunity for her to feel more comfortable with coming over to spend time with her and you 😊 Best of luck momma
Putting down boundaries is never rude. But we are often times made to feel like we are in the wrong for upholding our boundaries because others dislike the boundaries we have or are setting. Remember that that's a them problem not a you problem.
@Heather yeah as a parent I’ve been having to set boundaries with ppl hasn’t been the easiest but I will remember I have to do what’s best for my baby and I.
Its super hard to do but we'll worth it. It took me until around 27 to hold firm to my boundaries and not afraid to set them with people
Ah I clicked wrong button, definitely not rude
I don’t think it’s rude. You’re the mom and open to your daughter having a relationship with her grandmother. I think it’s beautiful, what you’re doing. ♥️