I think they normally test for GD if BMI is 30+ (don't quote me on that though) mine was 29.1 at booking and I've been booked for GD test but I've also had two larger babies previously.
It depends on your trust re if/when they test for GD - which trust are you in? However 7lbs weight gain at 24w is nothing and a BMI of 25.1 really is nothing to worry about :)
Honestly so many women gain "more weight" than you're "supposed to" when pregnant and are shamed for it by healthcare providers, friends, family, etc. Only to have 100% healthy babies at term, and go back to a "healthy" weight really fast. I would try not to worry too much about it and ask your provider about tests at your next appointment, and do them when indicated. I'd be aware of symptoms rather than going off weight, as every body is different and every pregnancy is different.
And there's a different calculation for BMI when you're pregnant as everyone has different size babies, uteruses, placentas, different amounts of fluid, etc.
You won’t be tested for GD based on that BMI (not sure if you would have other risk factors or based in a trust which tests everyone) but you would be over 30 at the time of booking to get tested based on BMi
My bmi was checked at my initial checking in appt and was 37ish but no ones weighed me since so i wouldnt worry… if they didnt deem you a risk before then i wouldnt worry. I think all these decisions are made up front, they would only now add a GD test if baby is measuring big xx
Yes BMI matters alot since the start of my pregnancy my midwife only focus is my BMI. They have recommended me pain relief injection as well in labour time to give me some relief.
The diabetes test is based on your booking bmi and doesn’t apply until it goes over 30. The weight they check in pregnancy is purely incase you need weight based drugs You are expected to gain weight in pregnancy but most of the weight you gain is not yours, it baby, waters and placenta
They weigh and recalculate BMI throughout pregnancy. I’m not sure if you will be tested for GD to be honest though. I don’t know if they just go on your original check in weight and then if the fundal heigh and scans are higher/lower on the graphs then they’d likely test you for GD at that point.