I had to check my blood glucose test by myself at home over one week and I had a high level every morning, so today they told me I will get some tablets for it.
@Anet Yes, that makes sense❤️ it’ll probably just be that one tablet, once a day and it’ll settle your levels. If that doesn’t work they can prescribe insulin too ❤️
I was diagnosed at 36 weeks. They have said because my levels aren’t through the roof nothing needs to be done. Baby isn’t big but to try control through diet which is quite hard but they haven’t suggested medication!
I’ve had this since 28 weeks and I’m now 38. I’ve had to take my bloods 4x a day, first thing in the morning, and an hour after each meal. They found my blood sugars were too high first thing in the morning so asked me to try eating earlier but it didn’t work so I got put on insulin injections that I had to do before bed. Only recently my blood sugars were always high after breakfast so they put me on metformin however, in the last week my blood sugars have actually been ok so I have stopped taking the insulin and they are happy with me doing that and taking again if my blood sugars go out of control. They do say it’s quite common for your blood sugars to go quite bad towards the very end of your pregnancy but there’s so many factors to it!
I imagine they’ll probably just get you to control your diet for the next few weeks, I was told at my last appointment that they wouldn’t put me on medication any longer if my readings were high as I was 37 weeks and if they were high they’d look at inducing me sooner x
I was diagnosed at 38 weeks but my morning ones have been fine and I’ve managed to stay diet controlled the past week. They won’t let me go past my due date as the placenta can stop working earlier with diabetes so keep that in mind. They will likely get you in for a growth scan asap to make sure baby isn’t too big as that’s another potential complication
It will completely depend on what your levels are like and if you can diet control it ❤️ I have been diagnosed with GD for about 8 weeks now and I haven’t been put on any medication as i’ve managed to keep it controlled with diet and my levels have been very good. They will discuss with you as they will probably know based on your GTT if you may need medication, but not always as I was prescribed meds to keep at home incase and then i’ve never had to take them. Have you already had your hospital appointment where you get your kit? They should explain everything at that if you have any more questions, they should have given you a number that you can ring❤️