Excess Amniotic Fluid. Second Pregnancy

Hi, I'm'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced excess amniotic fluid during their pregnancy? I am 34+5 days and was diagnosed yesterday. Just wondering what the experience was like for you and the reason behind it? And if baby was all healthy? Was there any complications?As I haven't got diabetes, so they are wanting to do further checks
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I did have some excess but I also had GD so it was expected and monitored. I was getting twice weekly NST because of the GD and my advanced maternal age. Baby was healthy.

I had excessive amniotic fluid my second pregnancy. Didn’t have GD or any other health issues. Just had her beginning of December and she’s completely healthy as well

I had a friend with this and everything turned out great for her and her baby boy 🥰

I had idiopathic polyhydramnios (meaning no known cause). Baby was perfectly healthy and I didn't have GD. My OBGYN did schedule me for an induction at 39 weeks because she didn't want me to go into labor on my own and have my water break at home. There can be complications with a vaginal birth because baby is kinda swimming around in there depending on how much excess fluid you have and so there is more opportunity for cord involvement. She wanted to break my water and be right there in case there was any issue with the umbilical cord be exposed or prolapsed. Unfortunately my induction failed because my son had face presentation (not the right position for a vaginal birth) and his cord was wrapped around his head and neck. He was born via c section and after learning the position he was in I realized everything happened as it should and now he is a healthy and happy almost 2 year old.

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