Plus fasting numbers are always going to be hard to control if those are the ones you struggle with my during the day numbers are pretty good my morning fasting always 95-116 that’s on insulin too!
I’m 33+5 and my fasting numbers are always the hardest to control even with Metformin. I’m guessing I’m going to have to try insulin aswell. My day numbers are great!
With my first, I made sure to go for a walk in the evening and drink lots of water. You could test various snacks or removing snacks before bed to see how you react. I don't eat any food after 8/8:30 pm and make sure my dinner is the lowest carb meal of the day. But snacks work for some to stabilize middle of the night dips. So just see what works better. Also you could try a continuous glucose monitor to track how your sugars are throughout the night and various times during the morning. If I wake up after 8 am, my fasting is much higher than if I wake up between 6 and 7 am but my body is used to waking up by 7. So the higher fasting after 7 makes sense for me. It all depends on what's normal for you.
I found it hardest to control all my levels between 35-37 weeks. I'm now 37+6 and my levels seem to be a bit easier to control again, it could just be your at the hardest part now too
Numbers get harder to control the further along you are. So it’s not anything you are doing differently. You can try different things to get it back lower but may not work at this stage.