Am I being unreasonable?

35 weeks pregnant and my sister in law and mother in law have not been bothered about this baby at all. They've not once asked about baby how he is or how I am even though this is a high risk pregnancy which has resulted me in having several scans, babies dropped weight, gestational diabetes ect ect. All the information they know is me bringing the information to them. This will be grandchild number 6. Every other grandchild my mother in law has made a big purchase for (they are not short of money currently flying first class to the Caribbean as I type this) and even my first child they bought his cot but this one they have not asked if we need anything or offered to buy anything at all. I know the other 4 grandkids she bought there prams. I feel like it woudlnt need to be a high value gift even if they had picked up something small. They turned up to my baby shower literally empty handed, which I know it isn't required to bring something but even my friend in huge debt got the baby a little toy which I was extremely grateful for. My partner can see it but he doesn't want to confront them and cause a huge row. I'm at the point now where when the babies born and they want cuddles I'm going to say no. If you've not been bothered to ask a single thing about this pregnancy then you don't get the good bits. My partner seems to think it's because it's number 6 they are just not as excited anymore because they've done it 5 times before. This doesn't feel fair on this new baby at all. I also feel really weird they have decided to take a 3 week holiday right by my due date when it has been discussed bringing my baby early, my mum won't even leave the city at the moment thinking we might need her. My mum's over the moon still even though she has other grandkids. Feeling very down.
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I don’t think you’re being unreasonable. But your partner should probably sit down with his parents and discuss this. Because if they already are treating this grandchild differently what’s it going to be like for him/her growing up in an environment where he/she is feeling left out or excluded etc.

My mum is the same she doesn't hardly contact me at all I'm lucky if I get a message every two weeks , so I have said to my husband if she wants to see her granddaughter she does it on our terms because she's also acting entitled saying she wants to visit her as soon as the baby is born when I have told everyone I want at least a week before they visit she thought she would have special privileges just because she's my mum. If she doesn't make the effort it's her loss

My mother in law on the other hand is total opposite

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