No one and I repeat NO ONE has a right to touch/pick up/handle your child without YOUR permission. I don’t care if it’s royalty, a family member, a doctor or anyone. They ask for my permission first. As you wouldn’t want confrontation and I wouldn’t encourage it, I would say you do need to stand up for yourself to a certain degree. If not for you, but for your daughter. Put her in a pushchair, give her some toys/snacks and completely refuse to let anyone you don’t feel comfortable with from going near her. Or don’t take her there at all. You got this 🫶🏻
@Nire it’s just the fact it’s a stranger who even id never met before. If I had previously then it would have been another story and the fact she didn’t ask she was just ready to take her from me and also by asking her she doesn’t really understand what she is comfortable with yet or not completely. She’s 2, and I just feel like she was tired so she gave in if that makes sense? If she was energetic I don’t think she would have wanted to go to her. It just gives me the ick I guess to show off a kid like she did. Oh and she also wouldn’t want to stay in her pushchair as she gets restless and loves to walk
@Tiggy’s Mummy thank you for understanding I feel the same way and I agree. I am trying to speak out more and I’m more comfortable speaking out with family members or friends as they are usually understanding. I just can’t get over some of the past experiences yet. She also won’t sit in her pushchair if we are still, even with snacks or toys as she loves to walk, she’s very independent in that sense. I don’t have anyone that could look after her whilst I go apart from my partner but that would mean using most of his holiday hours for the year which I agree he shouldn’t have to do. They always book me through the week when everyone is working and if I ask to change a date or time they tell me no
I personally wouldn’t have an issue with this, I’d much rather them make an effort with my child than not acknowledge them. But if this made you feel uncomfortable I’d either not take her in for future appointments (if you have somebody to watch her) or keep her in her pram entertained with something and just say you don’t want to get her out as she’s quite content at the moment?x