Kids repeat what they hear. If anyone in ur household is using those words around her, they need to stop asap coz if her friends in her class repeat it to their parents, it’s gonna cause issues. Does she have access to the internet? Like an iPad or something? If she does and it doesn’t have restrictions, that might be the issue. Honestly other than that idk. My niece is 9 and she sometimes uses bad words and is VERY sassy. It might just be the age she’s at?
My sons the exact same. It’s not always the house hold at all .. but it can be at school, the school my boys are at all I hear is them swearing. My daughter grew out of it when she got to about 10,11 and realised more how inappropriate it was xx
It is not always the household. Though I agree that try to look into the cause. Challenging behaviour is usually is a way for a child to communicate/regulate when they don't know how to. But also has your child ever been assessed for Autism/adhd? This could jsut be an age/stage thing that she will grow out of but I would just keep an eye on her and if she has any other traits then maybe speak to the school about getting an assessment done. Though it is a long wait I'm afraid but at least the school can have an idea and you can push for support either way.
Have you had a chance to sit down with her and talk about her behavior? It might be helpful to explore where this unexplained anger is coming from. Could someone she trusted have caused her pain or hurt her feelings? Have you asked if anyone has made her uncomfortable or crossed boundaries? Is she experiencing bullying at school? These conversations can be tough, but they might reveal important insights into what she's going through.
My son was the exact same,he’s now been diagnosed with adhd x
I have asked her what’s been going on she’s said that the wee girl said she’s hated her nd stuff but the head teacher is saying differently I have also sat down and asked what’s been going on in class she said she’s doesn’t want to go to school no more but this morning she was saying to her 3 year old brother to shut the f*** up this morning and her sister as well who 7 so she’s got put on 10 mins for her behaviour cause she was just not calming down or taking a telling
Is there anywhere she could have learnt the behaviour from? I think sometimes going back to the root cause can sometimes help the problem! X