I’ve started putting my toddler on a chair next to me while I make the kids dinner, I have most stuff batch cooked so it’s easier and just get her to stir or try and empty stuff and then carry her when something is hot. She loves grind involved with chores so thought this was a good idea
I have hellofresh 5 times a week that i share with her so its difficult to pre cook.. and i try to focus on the new recipe and thats hard with her screaming 😂
Feel like the terrible two's came early 🫣😂
We have this too and I just constantly hand her stuff to keep her busy but it’s hard work. Was thinking about getting a toddler tower making and getting her involved but I just foresee that going very wrong she’s into everything! So I’m here for the tips!
@N L yes i looked at these towers aswell! Just think she is still a bit too small and will slip through... but worth a try i suppose!
I got a learning tower hoping to solve this exact problem, and my LG will spend 30 seconds in it max before reaching her arms out to be picked up. With time I'm sure it'll be great, but it hasn't been the great solution I'd hoped for 🫠
Not a single mum either but through the week I do all breakfast/tea and lunch on 2 days by myself with her. It’s bloody hard work! She loves food and will spot if I go to the kitchen. I try and prep tea as much as I can straight after breakfast/lunch or during nap time. Tea is always the worst one and as I’m also exhausted and hungry by then as well I find it’s better if I can do most of it ahead of time xx
@Michelle yes absolutely hard work! Her dad is completely out the picture since day 1 so its always up to me 😂 when she goes for a nap, i try to get my house in order with dishes and tidying her toys etc and have a quick shower. By the time i got all that done, she wakes up already so not got much time for cooking x
I always prioritise tea before the cleaning. That’s probably why my cleaning never gets done 😂
@Michelle haha when my kitchen is a mess, i want to order food and not got the money for that 😂😂 so trying to save my bank account, i have to clean haha x
Omg why do they do this? 🤣 why do they hate cooking so much? 🤣🤣🤣 mine is exactly the same! No matter who’s cooking me or dad he’ll just grab our trouser legs and scream at our feet even if the other parent is trying to distract him! We literally have to take him into another room!
Not a single mum but on my nights on my own I try to cook her dinner the night before and feed it to her in the high chair in the kitchen while I cook, or sit her in there with toys, otherwise shes under my feet, in the bin, touching the oven etc 🙈