Well he just dropped a glass from the bedside whilst my 18 month old is asleep after refusing her nap earlier so yes he’s also annoying me with his clumsiness 🤣
@Kelly good luck with your transfer !
The progesterone!!! It turns me into a demon
I’m sure they go out of their way to irritate us more when we are on the meds and hormones all over! X
@Charley 🤣🤣
@Samantha lol it does seem like it! I’m trying to focus on all the good he does do!!
It’s more than likely the hormones! I found FET way worse than the full cycle with fresh transfer. I was on a high dose of Progynova which I think really contributed. It’ll subside once you stop, unless he really is being extra annoying 😂 but then there’s pregnancy hormones to follow. Best of luck! We’re planning another FET soon and I’m dreading being on hormones again