My toddler has done the same, usually after waking up from his nap in a bad mood, actually most days. When I try to get him things or talk to him it makes it worse depending on the day, so I usually just end up letting him cry for a bit and then I’ll see if he want me to sit with him or hold him and other times he just cries for 10 minutes and then calms down and asks for something. It sounds normal to me. He hasn’t scratched his face like in an angry way but he has hit his own face in frustration.
I’d say it’s pretty normal behavior for a tiny human who doesn’t know how to regulate or communicate their emotions 🥹 You’re doing great mama
You have a normal terrible two's yo. That's life from now on
This is so similar to my son only he’s 3. He only acts like this for me and it’s rough. My mom sees it and is pretty supportive of me though, I’m sorry yours said it wasn’t normal. I am taking mine to a neurologist for unrelated things. Mine can’t handle loud noises, used to wear headphones when there was no sound coming through them, and showed a few other things that made me want to just have a neurologist rule out anything further. If you want to your pediatrician will give you a referral. Mine did at least. The tantrums were a big part of it, but it was in conjunction with the other behavior from him.
It sounds pretty normal for a 2 year old who can’t fully express himself! He’s also probably going through a lot of changes/growth right now plus his routine has changed since your mom has been there to help instead of the nanny (who he may be used to). I’m sure you’re already doing this, but I’d just be sure to give him some extra cuddles and attention! He may just be seeking that extra comfort right now since things are different.
If you are concerned, definitely talk to a GP or Paediatrician. Always address your concerns. This doesn't sound abnormal to me, but it also doesn't sound "normal." I'd definitely talk to the professionals if this was my son. My son hits his head on things when he is frustrated, and I've sought help because whether he means to or not, whether it's potentially normal or not, he is self harming. I hope you find answers and that things get better. Having a new baby is hard on the older siblings. It's a huge life change, so ask for help when you need it, accept help when it's offered, all the extra cuddles for Mr 2, and give yourself grace.
My three year old it’s nonverbal and has asd and also has this screams after naps, throws toys, hits his face and gets overwhelmed when he’s around lots of people. You should definitely bring this things up to his pediatrician
Totally normal it’s because 2 year olds haven’t yet developed the tools to communicate efficiently and some times feel overwhelmed by the world around them. Positive role modeling and constant reassurance should help. Don’t see it as terrible two see it as cries for help. Children struggling with separation from loved ones and their brains aren’t fully developed. Try getting out in your local area playgroups etc speaking to other mums with similar age child will soon have you see it’s totally normal.
Yes it’s normal. My son went through tbkd at that age (he’s almost 3 now) he’d wake up screaming at the top of his lungs it was terrible. Went on for weeks. He stayed overnight at his grandparents and all of a sudden the screaming stopped. The toys…doesn’t seem to be a phase. There’s toys all over my house especially now that our younger one is 1.. she helps in creating a mess. You just have to embrace the chaos they’re only little once.
Children act out when they can't communicate yet. Talk to your doctor, but it sounds like terrible twos. He may notice the change in you, now that you're pregnant. Children can sense things. Make him feel like it's his baby, too. Otherwise, you'll have mayor jealously issues when baby comes.