Wanting another one

I am going to be 41 my husband is 42 and we have a 12month old. I really want one more. I always dreamed of a big family. I grew up an only child and I hated it. I was always jealous of my friends and cousins that were siblings and I wish I had that. I did feel lonely. Now that I’m older I don’t feel lonely anymore. My husband is amazing and he has one brother he barley speaks too. My husband doesn’t want anymore. We got so lucky with our one. After years of trying 1 MC and then had our rainbow baby. He’s perfect. So smart, healthy he’s the best. My husband is fine with just our one. He’s scared because of our age. What if something goes wrong. I spoke to him that I really want another one and I think he’s considering it. But he put the fear in me what if something doesn’t go right with the next baby. Special needs or another mc. Even if they were special needs I would love them either way. But I think he’s scared that it will take away from attention from our son. Not sure what to do…
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I have a girl at 40 years old and a son at 43 years old he just come hahhaha and we are so glad we have 2 they are 3 and 6 years old now and they play togheter all the times and become best friends have another one the first 2 year is hard wurh 2 but after that become so easy as they play togheter and you just relax

Adopted our first when I was 42 and second at 44 (full siblings). Hubs and I agreed we won’t be here forever so at least our kids will have one another … just something to consider

I had my 3rd baby at the age of 40 perfect from head to toe. The high risks i don’t believe r so much of risks as they were back then b4 technology real started booming. And if ur really that worried they have so many tests they can do now while in utero. But if ur heart is yearning for that baby don’t let fear of “what if” stop u & make u regret years later not doing something u truly wanted. I’m a single mother my oldest is 21 my youngest is 3 & my daughter would b 13 but I lost her at age 5 to cancer. If I had a husband I would absolutely consider another baby bc I loved being pregnant the whole nine yards. Listen to ur heart. Anything could happen to any of us at any given time. Best of luck

Same boat as you. At 5 months postpartum, baby fever hit. By then I had turned 43. Took 12 cycles to get a chemical and the thirteenth cycle we got pregnant. Be 6 weeks tomorrow at 44 1/2. My husband is worried about same as yours. While the risk is higher as we age, it is still only like 1 in 100 at 40 and 1 in 30 at 45. So you are still more likely to have a healthy baby. Also, we would like to add a sibling since we are older as another person mentioned. It took my husband a bit to come around. I didn’t want to regret not trying.

I had my first born at 38 and lost 3 and had our second born at 42. I know a lady who had a perfectly healthy "menopause baby" at 52. You all are too young to be overly concerned about problems.

You could use donor egg or donor embryo IVF. Check out CNYfertility.com. They are half the price and I had a good experience.

Nothing in life is guaranteed and while the odds increase it’s not dramatically so. I feel as though Drs like to scare monger. I’ve had 2 healthy boys at 41 and 42. And lost a baby girl at 39 and that was just bad luck nothing to do with age or any genetic issues.

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