My boy loves pinkšŸ˜Š

Hi mums. Please I hope this is an ok subject to post. I have a 4 year old boy and since he wa about 2 he has always loved colour pink and whenever we been shopping heā€™s always loved looking at dresses anything sparkly. He loved makeup and doing nails. He loves Disney princess and dressing up like them. Iā€™m not with my sonā€™s dad but he has told me why our son keeps asking him to paint nails and have dresses. When I explained how our son loves them things he wasnā€™t happy and we had an argument. Has anyone had a similar experience I would love any advice if his dad argued with me again hen Iā€™d have better idea of how to deal with my sons dad as I donā€™t want my son being told you canā€™t do that because itā€™s for girls etc. would love any advice and help. Thank you šŸ˜Š
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My 4 year old loves all that embrace and encourage it he has dresses prams etc sadly when they go to school they can worry about what others think my 7 year old went through this stage and he outgrew it. If the dad has a problem that is his insecurities and Iā€™d tell him to be more sure of him self as man and not impose it on your son. If you had a girl he wouldnā€™t act this way so why is he bothered just because you have a boy?

I havenā€™t gone thru this situation but I do tell my girls that itā€™s not a boy or girl colour any child can like any colour they want. As they have said to me my friend said itā€™s a boy colour. I kept their hair short to avoid head lice at school and their friends called them girlie boys and now they want to grow their hair longšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so I am letting them grow it out.

Thank you for your comment. Whenever I get my kids something on toy shop I always let them choose what they like when my son picks out makeup and dolls etc I always let him. I said to his dad let him express himself and that I wasnā€™t going to stop him from choosing and liking all of that. Just hard because where we not together itā€™s the things he digs at that I just donā€™t have the energy to argue lol. Your comment has helped thank you so muchšŸ˜Š

My 4 year old is EXACTLY the same, Iā€™ve just embraced it for him! He adores dressing up, wearing jewellery, pink, sparkles the lot and I love seeing how happy it makes him ā˜ŗļø (temu is great for it all) he goes to theatre group too My ex husband was a little bit the same, he came back really sad once telling me daddy said he couldnā€™t watch princess and the frog because it was a girls film..I was fuming as it was his favourite at the time and it was ridiculous! My son asks for his nails black as I have mine that colour šŸ¤£ I think they just see us doing it all so why not and honestly thereā€™s like nothing for dressing up for boys! Itā€™s really sad but I basically said to my son, daddy doesnā€™t understand and maybe we just donā€™t do that over daddyā€™s but you can dress up as much as you like at home and heā€™s understood it-Iā€™d much rather my son not be made to feel bad about himself as much as I hate that he canā€™t fully be himself there.

Aw bless him. Ya my son is the same he even tells me donā€™t want to go to his dadā€™s house. I think maybe thatā€™s the reason why. I have tried to explain to my son that he can where his dresses here and all of that here. They had number day at school last week I msgd my ex mum to say his got pink number top on can she hide it in his bag when they got home I was just not ready for another argument lol

Also girls are allowed to like boys toys /colours but men do not like boys liking pink / girls things. Itā€™s ingrained patriarchy. Anything women is bad. Just a little rant.

I have a 10 year old. She loves blue since she was a toddler she has never been a girly girl. She hates dresses and never been into doll etc and Iā€™ve always let her love what she loves but she has a different dad and heā€™s never been around so Iā€™ve never got the other parent side about it. But itā€™s true if girls liked anything boys i suppose the dads wouldnā€™t care much. Lol

Just looking at your profile your son is mainly hanging out with you and your daughter so he just wants to be involved and probably copying what youā€™re doing. My nephew went through this stage when he was small with a big sister and dad often away for work. I think itā€™s normal and they grow out of it so you can say that to his dad if it will get him to not worry about it!

Me and my daughter never been into anything girly lol. Honestly donā€™t know how heā€™s started to like them things. Iā€™m no dressy person never like my nails done Iā€™m a baggy t shirt messy hair type lol

My 4 year old son also loves the colour pink and anything sparkly, rainbows , unicorns , soft toys etc. I just allow him to choose whatever he wants as it makes him so happy.

Aw Iā€™m the same I let him choose what he likes. His face lights up and heā€™s always happy šŸ™‚

Yess my 2 year old loves pink and unicorns and sparkles...they are awesome and 'boy' clothes are so dull! Let him choose what he likes.

I love these comments thank you. Makes me feel better and more confident to communicate with his dad about it

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