It does get better I had this with my eldest she had 3 good days and then tears for a month and then she was ok. My little boy also started nursery in January and he was completely different had week of tears and since then he loves going x
I’m having this too . She started in January first 2 weeks she was absolutely fine going to preschool . Then she got a cold which 3 weeks in she’s still got which is a concern for a cold to last 3 weeks as she normally bounces back really quick And omg she’s so clingy doesn’t want anyone else but me and cry’s for me even if I pop to the toilet without her xx
Yeah the novelty of you leaving them wears of very quickly I think. As long as you reassure her you will be back to get her etc I think she get used to it soon and be having fun. My girl was the same she even asked to go on the weekend lol xx