I wouldn't read those comments as them wanting to see her more 🤔 It's just stating the fact. My family is also very involved despite being 2,000 miles away but my in laws are just happy with photos now and then just different ways of showing love I guess
@Alina a few times theyve mentioned popping in for a visit on the group chat and I always say that I'm always in if anyone wants to pop round or that I'm rarely busy 🤷🏽♀️ I've mentioned how it make s me happy when people visit too because I get lonely through the day etc. My rule is that whoever is easiest it the one that travels and disabled with a baby isn't exactly easy at all
Baby could learn how to drive 🤣🤣🤣
@Klaudia Those are things that have been said to me directly or in group chats. I wouldn't think too much however my husband has been told that they never get to see her and she's never been brought round etc so I feel they're kinda targeted
@Klaudia I agree with this. These just sound like the usual things people say when they see a baby or pic of one. I wouldn’t read much into that.
I would just not react at those comments. Just say "oh yes, he grows so fast indeed",... And leave it there. If they don't say things clearly,it is not your responsibility to interpret their words.
Whenever they make a snidey comment, just reply back with: “Well you know where we live, you’re welcome to see her whenever” “Why don’t you come over this weekend for a visit?”
How old is your baby? How far away are they? Could your husband take her over for a couple of hours say the first Saturday of the month? Then they have a regular date booked in and you have a bit of me time whilst they are out. My husbands dad did this from his early childhood until his dad died a couple of years ago (husband was 40) so over 40 years. It was just him once the kids had grown up, but he’d go and read the papers with him or do a bit of gardening/house maintenance that needed doing once a month.
Every time they comment I’d just say “our door is always open”, highlighting it’s them that aren’t making the effort. But seeing the comments like “look how much she’s grown” I would say is normal, doesn’t mean they are complaining about not seeing her. I say that to friends cause it’s true, baby grew. Doesn’t mean I want to go see them.
Similar issue with partner’s parents and we’ve basically just said you are welcome to visit when you want to see them and left it at that and they didn’t bother to respond. It’s been 8 weeks since our second was born and they have yet to meet or even ask about her, but been trying to play “He doesn’t get to see me often” “I have no money to spend time with him” ect with my own mum and even got our second a baby bed and put it on facebook 😬 I’m not particularly interested myself to make sure they see their grandchildren after not bothering to ask or visit on their own initiative for the last 18 months. Their loss at the end of the day 🤷🏻♀️
@Sarah She's 8 months and they live between 9 and 30ish minutes away. I can understand them not visiting throughout the week and stuff but they all go to a family members house thats 9 minutes away from us on saturday so they could still pop in on the way there or back 🤷🏽♀️ She still breastfeed every hour and she's going through the separation anxiety phase atm so she will cry any time she can't see me 😫 I would try and book a regular date but last time that only lasted 3 weeks
@sophie I think my partners family went 3 months between visits and both times was us going to them. They had no problems coming over when she was 3 days old even though they were I'll with a cold that they gave her 🙄 Maybe I'll just try and ignore it more then
Reply with your own snide comments. “Yes she wont be little for long! She misses grandpa, when will you visit?”
It’s not your job to make people have a relationship with your children. I go by “if they wanted to they would”. We gave up a while ago it’s only their loss not ours
I don’t like when ppl act lazy to come over and want you to go to them. Have u invited them over or told them they are welcome to Visit