Am I overreacting?

I try not to react to everything she says because she caused a lot of fights between me and my husband. He supports me, but she never says anything bad to him or in front of him. It's like she knows what she is doing because he is not there he can't defend me and I don't like standing up for myself so I stay quiet, most of the time. Last night we went for a meal at their place. Before bedtime we got up to leave and his mum started asking him if he wants to stay and watch football with his dad. She hates football she can't even be in the same room when it's on. So why will you encourage him to stay when she hates it and she knows its bed time. I have a long week and she knows I was tired why even suggesting. The other siblings are not having kids and she never try to guilt trip them into do anything with them but us we have two kids and still trying to do that. We spend 3 hours with them already, it's not like we don't spend time with them and we see them twice a week at least. I just don't understand why will she even suggest it for the dad to stay late not helping me with bedtime on a school night. He had to wake up early and he didn't stay at the end but he was asking me if it's OK which made me mad with him even just asking me. It's common sense it's bedtime I need help after a long week. Don't get me wrong I had nights to do it alone and I would do it but this week it's been really bad for me. I hate that they both put me on the spot but she pissed me off more are she always suggests stupid things. As I said we spend lots of time with them. She never ask and insist with the other siblings and we are the ones with more responsibility. The other two are in relationship but with no kids. Also his birthday is near and she keeps asking me what we will do on the day. He doesn't want to plan ahead so I told her we'll decide on the day. I want to have a family day just us bit it's up to him. He wants a chill day with us. The in laws had plans and they were going to visit us in the morning but now their plans have changed and MIL keeps asking what we will do and let them know. The other siblings never spend their birthdays with the in laws. They always go away or go out with their partners why do we have to spend it with them? She will not let us do anything by ourselves. My sister is visiting us for the weekend and ofcourse she will come out with us but I don't want my in laws. And he doesn't care. He is happy to see them for tea and cake but not for dinner or going out with them
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I'm talking for my mil sorry forgot to mention it at the beginning

How annoying, I would nip it in the bud and just tell her how it is. You are tired and work etc, it's too much! My MIL wants to visit weekly and even then I'm at boiling point cos they don't help, all they do is talk rubbish for hours and expect us to stay round her house till late after we have been there all day. My MIL is constantly arranging stuff too, way in advance just so no one else gets a look in. Hate it. I would have a word with your partner and just say how it's making you feel and if you don't want to see them for a week, you don't have too. Having space is good for you otherwise it will just anger you up inside. Be strong, you've got this! X

Is it bad that I don't want to spend my husband birthday with them? I want to do something just us and I know my sister will be with us but we never do anything just us as a family. We spend all our weekends with the in laws and my MIL is so draining. She is good for 10 minutes then she starts the questioning and criticism 😔 I know it's his birthday so I let him decide but he doesn't mine either way

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