Hitting, shoving and being unkind.

I really don’t want to hear it’s a phase because It’s been like this for MONTHS so surely it isn’t? Everytime I take my son to see his cousins, friends, groups soft play etc he is hitting kids, shoving, grabbing their hair, saying no and pushing them to the floor. He hits me, his dad. I do absolutely everything I can to stop him, I remove him from the groups, we go home if it’s too much. I take the toys off him to give to his cousin to show they were kind you weren’t and it’s not ok, I tell him we don’t hit, I practice gentle hands with him, I make him sit on my lap once he’s hit for a minute so he can see the kids who don’t hit are playing and he is missing out because he wasn’t kind. Nothings working. Getting to a point where I don’t want to take him anywhere because he’s being so horrible.
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Hiya, the Contented Little Toddler book has some good advice for this. Might be helpful?

@Emily I’ll look into it. Thank you!

No advice but just sending love and hugs mama I am sure this is really tough to be dealing with xxx

Hiya my 18 month old can be like this sometimes too especially recently, my sister has a little boy too and there’s only 10 weeks between our babies and their literally together everyday, recently my little boy hits him a lot and doesn’t let him touch any toy etc it’s frustrating and sometimes I’ve had to just take him home as it gets hard to deal with, I’m hoping it’s just a phase to be honest🫠 I was thinking of taking him to play groups so that he can interact more x

@demi my sons the same with the not letting them touch any toys ! It really is frustrating because I am trying everything and he’s not listening. We go group every Monday and Tuesday then soft play or park throughout the week and hes the same there :/

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