I don't see anything awkward about it. We all teach kids how to behave in society it's all people's responsibility. In this situation instead of no I would say "aww thank you I needed this cup" to ensure our interaction is positive that way you keep your boundary but it doesn't look like you are telling them off.
Yes I struggle with this! Like I never how far to go! I try and be polite but I don’t think it always comes across as polite and I always feel like I’m over stepping but I don’t want my son being harmed either!
It’s tough when other parents aren’t watching out for them. I look at it that my daughter needs to know and feel that she is always safe when I’m around, and that I would talk to the other child as I do my own, with the same respect etc.
No. Tell them off. I’m a primary school teacher so maybe find it easier but if my LG was doing that id want the adult to tell her off - would you mind if it was the other way round. Also children need to learn to respect and listen to adults when it comes to safe behaviour not just their parental figures. I told off two toddlers at a stay and play on Tuesday, one was running around in the baby only bit and the other dropped a toy on my baby’s face whilst she was feeding (and she was holding her mums hand…) the mum apologised and I know my face had to catch up with my polite words haha
I tell them off but nicely so I’ll be like “no! We don’t hit/snatch/smack. No thank you”
Within my friend group we all discipline each others kids if need be if I’m not in the room or gone toilet or my back to him and he does something that needs telling off I expect (and am thankful) for another adult to tell him off for me, and I do the same back- Aunties are Aunties and we discipline as a group. When I’m out and I need to speak up for my child I do, but still politely not screaming or rude.
I haven’t had any issues like that, but I have had a couple where I had to say to another baby/toddler “no don’t touch the baby” or “that’s our toy” in a kind, soft voice. At the play ground I’ve asked big kids to be careful/aware of my baby (“watch the baby” or “be careful by the baby”) If it escalated I’d probably say we’re not going to play with you and move away or ask where their parent/grown up was.
@Kellie that’s my sister’s name and she spells it like you. I’ve never seen another “kellie” spelled that way.
Yes I do tell other kids off and No I don’t feel bad about it…. Once I had one kid going into my baby changing bag and raking a toy from it, whilst the mum was right next to her, so I imminently went over and grabbed the toy off her, mum still didn’t say anything 🙈
I’ve had to do this numerous of times when I’ve been to soft play and play cafes etc as parents don’t follow their kids about and just sit there which really annoys me as I don’t let my little one out of my sight. I’m never rude to children but if a child snatches something off my kid I always just say “aww no sweetie, maximus was playing with that, you can have a go soon” It’s awkward but got to be done if someone isn’t parenting their kid