I don’t have any advice.. but my little one is 10w and I felt all of this. I think it all calmed down abit after a couple of weeks (it’ll be different for different people). I can only say that it does get easier. The love I have for my boy is intense, I used to sit and cry at how big he was getting (he was 1w old lol), but I don’t cry anymore. I see how each day he’s doing something (like smiling, cooing, etc) and I’m excited for what he’ll be doing next. The bedtime scaries also get easier - or it did for me anyway. He’s sleeping much better and I’m getting 8.5 hours of broken sleep. Just keep going and it’ll get easier lovely. You’re doing amazing! xx
I had awful night time anxiety when my little one was born in October, it got so bad I felt like I couldn't do anything on my own with him as I was too anxious to do something wrong and nighttime just made me panic, at the time it didn't feel like it was getting better but I promise it will, talking to people and finding out its normal to feel like that helped and having family members come round helped too to know I wasn't actually alone even if it felt like it, one day it'll just click into place, motherhood is scary sometimes but you've got this and you're doing a great job, keep telling yourself that, one thing that always stuck with me and I reminded myself often is someone told me 'you're doing the best job and you're the best mummy because you're his mummy and that's all he needs' Also knowing when it's tipping into needing professional help and accepting that, I have a mental health visitor that comes regularly even now to see how I'm doing, you're health visitor can help refer you x
It’s so interesting how almost everyone go through this and get the same feelings. My LO is 6 months and I was very much like you when he was a newborn. Honestly there’s no much I could say, it’s hard but having an attitude of acceptance helped me. Baby will keep waking up many times at night for the first couple of weeks and he will change that by himself as he starts growing up. You’ve probably heard this a lot but you could choose a tv show or something you like to watch or listen to for those 2-5am wake ups which I remember finding the hardest ones. Also having lots of snacks and cup full of water it’s important :) and taking naps during the day when he’s sleeping ( I used to take one long nap at the end of the day to be fresh for the night) Be gentle on yourself, first couple of weeks are very hard and there’s no way out of it but to accept it and try to make it as easy as possible for you.
I felt overwhelmed when my milk came in. I cried at everything for maybe a week. The midwife did warn me about the influx of hormones and emotions.
@Silvia Thankyou for this, it’s just nice to hear that everyone is going through it, so that means I can get through it too x
@Katie Thankyou, it does help knowing that other people are going through the same thing. And is helping me feel less alone. And I didn’t know about the mental health visitor? I will definitely mention that when I see her next x
@Sophie Thankyou for this, for me it just feels like waiting weeks for it to calm down is such a long time but realistically it’s not and will calm down, I know that it won’t last forever but it literally does feel like it won’t x
@Lauren yeah the midwife warned me about when my milk came in so I’m hoping that it’s the peak, apparently it peaks at day 5/6
Goodness, it is all so fresh! Give yourself some time. I promise you, so many women feel this and it does get better. I hope you have some family and friends because leaning on them will help lots. Also, if you can get out to some baby groups when little one is a few weeks older. I went and it helped me so much. My son slept through them all but just chatting to other mums and being able to ask questions for reassurance made a big difference. Talking is key. If it persists, speak to your midwife/HV and they can refer you for mental health support x
@Terri thanks for this, just even posting on here and hearing other people has helped a little and ease some pressure x
Hey girl, the first day I got home I just cried because I just couldn’t believe how much my life was about to change and I had this massive responsibility of looking after a tiny human 😂. I’m 6 weeks in to it now and my god it’s been an adjustment but when I tell you I’m the most confident ever with it now, everyday you learn new things, the anxiety when the sun sets stops, I used to get the same thing not knowing what to expect through out the night but everyday you learn more about your baby and it makes you feel more at ease. It’s not easy, everything is a phase but it’s so rewarding when you start to feel like you understand them and what they want. It doesn’t happen overnight and ofc I’m still learning but don’t feel like how you feel isnt perfectly normal, I kept crying at first and I thought i was gonna go into a dark hole but it genuinely was me and my body just adjusting to how different life would be. You are quite local to me so message me if you need anything/advice xxx
@Katie oh good luck🥹🥹 and thankyou 🥹🥹🥹