I go back to work Monday. My daughter is 3 months. I have anxiety when I think about going back. I will work night shift and my bf will work days. So if I’m not with her, her dad and brother will be with her. But not being able to cuddle with her every night makes me sad
@Kiarra I thought I would be okay because he is with my mom and she takes such great care of him but not being with him really sucks and I cry so much and have to remind myself it’s all going to be ok but ugh it’s so hard
I went back to work this week and the guilt, sadness, anxiety is awful. My boy is with his grandparents too, which is so much better than daycare with strangers but still. I miss him and it feels like theres never enough hours in the day to spend time with him anymore.
I've been back to work for 2 weeks now, and it has been really difficult. I work the typical 9-5 and there just isn't enough time when I get off. You work all day, try and be with the baby in the evening, then you sleep. I have a great job, and I can't afford to quit. It's all just depressing. 😭
@Karina when my mom kept my son who is now 12 years old I didn’t have a problem with it but I’m older and my mom is not able to keep my baby bc of health problems. My mom was a major support system and doing this without her is hard. Another reason is bc I know my bf is a heavy sleeper and sometimes doesn’t hear her but we have a ton of things set in place to help with that and my son will be here to help to. My biggest thing that brings me anxiety is not being able to have my phone while at this new job, now that gets me but the pay is really good and the job is very close to my house. We got this though, we have to provide for our babies, this too shall pass. Good luck with everything!
This week is my first week back and I am wracked with guilt and anxiety. I work 7 to 4 so I have a little more time in the evening, but it’s still rough.
Can your job be a hybrid schedule maybe? That’s what saves me. I spend 2 days at home with my baby
I also have 3 dogs so my day is packed and I’m always on the go mode and I feel like I’m losing myself trying to make sure baby is good, house is good, and pups are good but I feel guilt when I have time for me because I could be with them. And my wonderful husband does help tremendously but I still feel the need to do everything myself or I’ll go crazy.