@Helen alcohol and junk food is the only way I’d be able to survive that 😭
I was told that if a place has a bunch of people that have been there 1 year or less and 15 years plus the job is a red flag. I’ve been using that concept ever since
Yea when I was trying to work at a bbq place and they asked if I was okay with it being like a family and if I could be open with them and always available. Didn’t know it meant all up in everyone’s business and like being in a chatty highschool clique even though most were over the age of 30. It was annoying and I shouldn’t have ever worked there. They were very judgy and talked crap about everyone. I ended up quitting when I called out for covid during the covid time and it was my first time and she flipped out on me saying it was so impolite to text her even though I tried to call her and said I was immature and just annoying for it and she knew I was unreliable when I told her my cat was dying and I couldn’t come in in time. I was 15 and she was like over 50.
I don't know what "I'm the red flag" meant but I like the sound of it.. lol
@Nicky why is it bad if someone has been in a job for a long time?
In high school I interviewed at a nursing home. Got to the second interview and then everything got weird. The interviewer did not look at me the whole time. Asked the written question and moved on. Did not smile or shake my hand or react in any way. It was so weird. And I was barely 18 at the time. Called me back and said I had “passed”. Something about seeing how I acted in a weird situation. I never called them back
@Kat when there’s people who have been there 15 plus years and people who have been there less than a year, it means the company never changes. They stuck to what they know, the new people are still adjusting and the older people are used to it and like it that way
I also worked for a daycare. At first it was okay but after a while it was blantly obvious there was no management. I got paid in checks and there was no way to check my clock in and clock outs. I worked from 6-6 and sometimes they would ask me to return from my lunches early. I had WAY too many kids assigned to me. The tipping point of me texting her I quit was 25-30 kids alone with me for HOURS. Between 3-12 years old. And then after a while they lady switched up on if I could use my phone to read while the other worker (there was only 2) was on hers like all work day. I also had to mop the floors, the bathrooms, the kitchen. Vacuum. I got seriously serious ly sick once and she blamed me that I wasn’t cleaning enough. All that and I was just paid $9 a hour. 😐
I'm probably the red flag and haven't got many jobs because of my disability it happens and I tried not to apply for jobs that would discriminate but it's hard when I was in that type of work (I was a child care worker). I'm a stay at home mum at the moment, so I do not need to stress.
I went for a receptionist job. They did a group presentation thing before hand where the guy interviewing called everyone who wasn't a gen x lazy and doomed to fail in life. That if they wanted to work there, work must be your life, you can't drink alcohol, must eat healthy with zero junk food and if you couldn't get on board to walk. So I walked