Lol I have been in your shoes. No exaggeration. It's actually on my YouTube channel. Got to the point where I would smuggle my baby into the gym
@Franny no I’m a single SAHM, I have no income for a membership. Even if I did I have no transportation to get there. It’s been 10-30° here and the city is super icy right now. Closest YMCA is a 15 min drive aka 45 min bus ride away.
I would do it, especially if he had a sleep pattern. You need to take care of you to be the best for him.
@Cher 🧖🏾♀️🏋🏿♀️🎧 my son is so active he wouldn’t sit still to be able to be snuck in 😭 and honestly would probably find a way to hurt himself. 😭
@Shanee that’s what I’m thinking. He is sleep trained so he sleeps like a rock the whole two hours, and wakes up at the same time everyday. God forbid a fire broke out I would get sound alerts from my smoke detector. The cameras are at all access points so if someone broke in I’d get a motion alert. I can moniter his breathing in the crib. I feel like I’ve covered all my bases?!
@Sharaya i literally don’t even make $1 a month. I’ve had no income since February 2022.
Hi, that link should take you to a 60 day guest pass for the Peloton app. I personally wouldn’t leave my child alone. It’s just not worth the risk. I’m sorry you’re struggling. Definitely check out the peloton app, there are so many classes and you will definitely get a good workout in. If the link doesn’t work, let me know.
sorry to disagree with the majority. i would do it. i’d at least try it out. he’s 2 years old it’s not only like he’s 5 months and might accidentally suffocate himself or just spontaneously stop breathing. idk if that makes you and i bad moms but girl.. we’re important too!! how are we always expected to take care of everyone else and not ourselves? like you stated it’s less than 3 min away. his naps are predictable. and you need it for your mental health!
I wouldn't. But also homework/going to the gym aren't going to help much if at all of you aren't cutting back on your diet. Calorie deficit + working out = weight loss
How do you survive with no income
@Terra I have been doing calorie deficit! I had been going to the park w my son everyday and on a 1800 deficit (I still breastfeed so that was working for me) and I had lost 10lbs! Then the holidays and the winter came and we got stuck in the house because it’s been -10° and I fell behind on my deficit, and gained 13lbs back 😭😭😭 but I’m back and trying to do both.
@Bethany his father is only active in our lives financially. My rent & bills are less expensive than daycare here by almost $400 and it’s safer. But no he won’t throw even $10 twards a gym membership. Plus then I’d need money for transportation too. Not going.
@kaylee thank you for the validation 🩷🩷🩷🩷 i definitely wouldn’t even have had this idea when he was younger. But yes now he is soooo consistent.
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I feel like you've already made your mind up what you're going to do
just curious, for the people saying “wouldn’t risk it” what do you think would happen worst case scenario?
@Rachel the only advice given has been get a gym membership which I can’t afford or at home workout which I’ve looked into her link. I’m still reading comments and waiting for responses, what makes you think I’ve made my mind up? Me saying thank you for the validation?
Are you not allowed to bring him into the gym. I would put him in a stroller or pac n play and roll him in there with me
Use the strolled whilst baby is a sleep having the nap . Smuggle them in that way ... This is an option also
@Day no it’s not allowed, it’s a liability. Most building gyms have a 15-18+ age limit. Too many weights/dangerous machines. He’s a crazy 2 year old, he can unbuckle his stroller & highchair straps and climbs out of the pack and play.
But as @Rachel said , you already made your mind up before posting.
@Cher 🧖🏾♀️🏋🏿♀️🎧 he’s sleep trained he only sleeps in his crib or in a car lol. I can’t remember the last time he fell asleep in the stroller. Maybe at 14months.
@Cher 🧖🏾♀️🏋🏿♀️🎧 ok bye!
You can transfer him from the crib into the stroller ? I just think it's wild , you're finding absolutely any excuse despite the options. I've legit been there . It's not impossible. Or just workout from home . Don't get me wrong I empathise with you gym is in my veins. But girl 🙄 Skip to 43seconds in if you wish . When I say it was a struggle and I was desperate to change ... I mean it .
@kaylee a different scenario I know, but recently a mum left her 4 children in the house in the UK to go to the shops for a few minutes. The house caught on fire and all four little boys died. Alot can happen in a few minutes
Regardless do what you gotta do. I hope @kaylee gave you the validation you desperately needed .
@Cher 🧖🏾♀️🏋🏿♀️🎧 I’m giving the reasons things don’t work for me. No can’t transfer, he is a light sleeper which is why I had to sleep train, he wakes when I enter the room. You’re kind of a bitch. I literally gave no reason for you to attack me for responding to people on MY own post. Fuck off now
@Rachel all of my cameras have motion & sound alerts. The second the fire detector goes off I’d be alerted. Going to the shops is completely different. That’s leaving the building. I’d just be one floor up in the gym. Stairs or elevator I can be down in 3 mins or less.
what could happen is exactly what could happen if mom was at home. I don't sit and stare at my son while he sleeps. In my summer home, the laundry was in the basement, and sometimes it would take me 2 minutes to get to him. She's not going to smoke crack she needs a little self care.
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@Cher 🧖🏾♀️🏋🏿♀️🎧 lol is this u advertising your youtube channel? she was clear with the options she has. he’s NOT allowed in the gym doesn’t mean she won’t try something else first but seriously what’s the problem with going? doesn’t seem like you have much empathy lol “🙄”
@Rachel i absolutely get the concern. as a mom with pp anxiety i have fears of things like this. however i did search up the story and it sounds like the fire had be going on for some time before anyone noticed and by then it was too late. the reason i wouldn’t think it could happen in the posters circumstances is because, she has a camera and she’s less than 3 min away i know you all understand the momma bear adrenaline if you think your baby is hurt. 203lb or not i bet she could get up those stairs in a minute flat if she needed to
@kaylee she keeps telling me to smuggle my baby in. Like he is a wild toddler. I’m 100% sure he’s safer in his crib asleep than in a gym full of weights where he can pinch himself, slam his hands and feet, jump off stuff. He’s not 6-9mons and just lays in one spot or crawls around a pack and play. He’s a toddler that climbs on stuff and jumps off my couch lol. Thank you for understanding, this post is to weigh pros & cons and hear other options or reasons why it would be a bad idea.
but if it would put your mind at ease, cause you said you live in a building, are you close with anyone on your floor? or could you be? have someone else who could be eyes and ears for you. idk like you say, you have cameras i think that’s all you really need you could do a little test drill. be downstairs in the gym and see how long it would take you to get upstairs say something did happen? (honestly idk what could happen if he’s in his crib though) 🤷♀️
Not sure I’d be able to relax and enjoy my workout but if you can log into a cctv camera and watch your baby sleep then I’m not sure what could go wrong really
@Shanee thank you! Our first apt was 3 floors and he would be asleep on the 3rd floor while I worked out all the way on the 1st in the garage. I’d Actually literally be the same distance away now if I took the building stairs instead of elevator. And bc I’m an anxious mom I would probably even bring my iPad so I could just watch the monitor the whole time too 😂
@Kelly my baby moniter is super cool. I can log in and view it live from MILES away. Once when I lived in LA but was home in Chicago visiting for Christmas my cat jumped into my son’s crib. It notified me and I was able to live view from 2000 miles away! Same with all my ring cams in the house obviously. 10/10 lollipop baby moniter lol.
@kaylee that’s actually a good idea! See this is what I posted for. let me go bake some cookies and start getting all buddy buddy 😂 heeeeeyyyyyyyy
@Shanee “she’s not going to smoke crack” 😂 😂
I had this same thought. I'm in a condo too. Someone told me that it could be child neglect if something happens and I'm not in my unit.
i mean i don’t know what the laws are in your area but the definition of neglect is “failing to care for properly” i don’t think she’s failing to care for her child when shes a floor below him doing something to better take care of herself and family while he’s sleeping?
I agree that it seems your mind was set and you wanted some sort of okay? From…us? Idk. I personally would never leave my daughter alone. Even for a hour. I mean…accidents and other things could happen. I guess you do you mama.
@Taylor like I said in previous comments, I was trying to weigh pros and cons, hear what other moms would do, hear other suggestions. Someone suggested I ask a neighbor for help which I hadn’t thought of. Someone else sent a 2 month free trial for peloton membership. Thats the kind of thing I was looking for. Ideas I hadn’t thought of. I can’t think of any accident that could happen with my 2 year old sound asleep in a secured crib with a camera that has a breathing monitor on, 3 other cameras with motion & sound alerts & smoke detectors that work and are tested every 3 mos by the building. What are some possibilities you think could happen? SIDS isnt considered a risk at 2.
literally. what’s so scary about being in the same building a floor or two down, less that 3 min away? let’s actually think about it pros. - can do something for herself - can lose weight and gain confidence - can become healthier for her family - will be able to improve mental health and therefore show up better for her son cons. - he will wake up from a bad dream and have to wait a couple minutes to be comforted? i literally don’t know what else could happen. the one possibility that someone pointed out was a fire and she says that’s not a concern. does he have a history of climbing out of his crib? are his naps predictable? i’m sorry but this is a hill i will die on because as moms we do so frickin much for our children and our families. this poster sounds like a good mom who is struggling because she doesn’t have a village and she isn’t doing anything for herself. personally when i feel the same way it’s harder for me to show up the way i want to for my son.
@kaylee I really appreciate you. I’m so blessed he has never tried to climb out. One time he tried to climb in when he was tired 😂 I lifted him so quick so things didn’t start to click in his head lmao. His naps are 1-3. He wakes up 2:55-3:05 like CLOCKWORK. I really appreciate the support here bc I do all I can to be a wonderful mother. I’ve put my entire life on hold. I have no dating life, I haven’t even hugged a man that wasn’t my father in two years. I deal with the loneliness. I don’t go out. I gained all this weight bc I exclusively breastfed & ruined my body to give him all I could. I gave up my nails & lashes and all the material things I LOVE bc I’d rather stay home w my son than send him to a daycare before either of us were ready. I just want to not feel like a fat ugly sad person. I want to eventually have a love life again & I’m just not confident enough to put myself back out there bc of this weight gain. I’m also at the point that this isn’t healthy. Sorry 4 the rant.
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This is just me as I have a lot of anxiety and fear. It’s a personal reason of MINE like all the mamas here. (Cause this is an opinion/recommendation post, no?) I’m not trying to sway anyone recommending stuff for you. I think it’s great they suggested those for you and I hope you’ll be able to get a neighbor to help you’ll get a good workout in.
@Taylor i really wasn’t trying to bash you for having an opinion i’m just on the defensive because i think self care is important. i also, please tell me if im missing something, don’t know what could go wrong. fear and anxiety as a mother i think is normal, i just don’t know if in this case it’s enough to motivate her to not do anything. so, in a non argumentative way, im asking what you think might happen if she were to be gone in the middle of his nap?
@Taylor oh me too. My PPD/A has left me up till 4am planning how I would sacrifice myself for him if someone broke in. I get it. I was 135 pre preg. I was 165 after having him. Breastfeeding, depression, loneliness & emotional eating has now gotten me to 203. I’ve sat in the house 24/7 for 2 years dreaming about the gym but never could go. I’m only now asking what people think about this bc he’s finally 2 and on a very consistent schedule. Home workouts just aren’t enough to lose a 65lb weight gain. I need weights and machines. I have a very good camera system set up so I decided to ask. Thank you for your opinion though.
taking a shower sounds more risky than what you’re describing tbh. I would def worry tho I don’t think I could do it I’d just be paranoidly watching my baby on the monitor the whole time. I agree it would be good to test how long it would take you to run back to your place if there was an emergency
I use my buildings laundry facilities while my babies nap during the day. I'd use a gun if we had one so long as I have video surveillance of them like you do
I wouldn’t do it, Can you afford a YMCA membership? Some offer 2hr child watch.