Getting my pink back

Hi all I don’t know why I’m writing this really, I just want to know I’m not the only one. I have an 18 month old boy who I love to pieces. I’m adoring being his mummy, I feel really settled in that aspect. But other than that, I’ve lost all sense of myself. Not in the “I have no freedom anymore” way - I don’t care about that at all, but I’ve lost all self confidence, I don’t take care of myself, and I’ve gained more weight than ever since going back to work. I haven’t exercised properly since I was pregnant - I struggle with time and motivation. I flit between wanting to just hide under a duvet and hating myself and wanting to change. I don’t bother with friendships. I’m also losing my best friend as she’s moving to Australia. I don’t make plans for the weekend. I don’t want to do anything beyond chill in my local area. None of my clothes fit me and when I try and buy new ones I feel silly trying to work out a sense of style so I give up. I don’t have any physical affection with my husband. It’s affecting my marriage and he tells me I’m not the person he married - although he’s very supportive and tells me I need to seek help. I’m basically just a lump trying to juggle a (new) full time job, 1.5 hour commute and nursery runs. Am I the only one feeling desperately not myself? And any recommendations if anyone’s been in this spot? Any local people to speak to ie therapist recommendations if it gets to that? Thanks
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Aw honey I think you could really use with talking to a therapist about how you feel. I felt really bad recently (not so much about what you describe) but other mental issues and I feel so much better. I'm using Bupa through work, see if your job offer Bupa health and you can search there (my therapy is online but I found tons face to face). Alternatively you have better help (the app) people praise this! You got this ❤️

Push urself to get in the gym as it sounds like weight might be the issue here - get those good theramones! I’d book a docs appt and make myself run to a funny podcast. U got this x

I felt this ❤️ Perhaps try to find a new friend. Someone with similar goals to you in terms of wanting to get back to their best self again since having a baby. That way, yourll have an accountability partner and someone who can work with you to find ways to help each other hit goals. It’s always easier when you have someone by your side at and on the same wavelength as you. I feel similar to how you’re feeling tbh. Especially with working full time and with kids, I have 3! It does tend to feel like I’m just being left on a constant spin cycle that never stops for me to hop out for a minute. xx

I feel like I’ve written this post myself! Completely understand how you feel! Pop me a message, I’m local to Bromley and also have a nearly 18 month old xx

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