Stranger pushing baby

I was at the library with my 10-month-old, he was playing with race track by himself. A little girl came up to him, she got really close to him and I told my son, “Say hi to the girl.” He then barely touched the little girl’s face, so I told him to keep his hands to himself and to only say hi. Suddenly, the little girl’s mother rushed over, PUSHED my 10-month-old son, and yelled at him for touching her daughter’s face. I was in shock and couldn’t believe what had just happened. When I confronted her, she was extremely aggressive and didn’t care at all. She kept insisting that her daughter was also a baby (though her daughter was walking and talking—I’d guess she was around 2). Other moms confronted her as well, but she still didn’t care. I spoke to the library supervisor and decided to press charges. The police were called, and I filed a report. Can someone please tell me I wasn’t overreacting? What would you have done in this situation?
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I’m super early, but hell no. You’re not overreacting at all. You’re his advocate ♥️ I’d go to war for my child. It would be very hard for me to keep my composure in front of the little ones if anyone put their hands on my kid.

He’s 10 months old. Still learning. To push helpless baby is beyond me. You did the right thing. Shame on that mother

You were not overreacting at all!

@Mallory I feel so bad for my baby. I was literally shaking 😭

he’s 10 months old for christ sake a baby! he is not at understanding. the other kid was clearly a toddler. i have 10 month olds so i understand their developmental stage as of right now. and touching in the face is just them working there hands still learning to use them. you definitely did what was deserve mama. she definitely deserve some type of punishment!!!

this just made me so MAD!

I would lose my mind on that woman good for you for handling it the proper way!

I would of done the same thing. A grown woman can’t go around thinking it’s ok to push babies for acting like babies! Maybe she should just stay in her house if she didn’t want a realistic encounter between her toddler and another baby. I feel bad for her daughter too that shit crossed being overprotective and went into crazy real quick. Don’t feel bad you did the right thing 🩷

Not overreacting one bit!!!

How dare she pushed your baby!!! What lady does that! That lady has serious issues. Sorry you went tru that mama 💕

I think you reacted perfect, if she would’ve apologized and meant it or ever just reacted differently then that would’ve been a different story but the way she acted i would’ve done the same thing

In no way did you overreact. That’s INSANE behavior.

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