Oof, I’ve been there. It’s hard and it sucks… there isn’t really any way to sugar-coat it. I stayed home when the kids were younger and my husband worked and we were both exhausted all the time. The house was always a mess. We were both on edge constantly, but we weren’t communicating well, either. I felt immense pressure because I thought I wasn’t doing enough to keep the house in order even though I wasn’t working. He was feeling immense pressure that he wasn’t doing enough parenting because he was working too much. And then we sat down and basically promised each other that if the house wasn’t clean sometimes, he would understand, and if he couldn’t help more, I’d understand. Basically, we agreed to do what we could and not be angry when one of us falls short.
Totally ! Mine constantly criticises for mess and I do all then go back to work after a year and I still did it all. Now I totally quit ( as my job doesn’t work around kids). Have a bit more time to clean but still no help as I’m trying to study and retrain myself through all of it .. but definitely should try conversation with your other half but don’t get upset if they forget …
Oh bless you, that sounds tough! Do you have any family nearby who you could call? Even hiring a cleaner? Message a close friend and you could drink wine while you hoover and mop? X